4) oh the perils of waiting

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Third person
Anne couldn't sleep all night.
The mere thought of have a one to one dinner with Gilbert made her want to scream with excitement and cry with nervousness.
Which is kinda odd when you think about it.
She bounces out of bed that morning smile wide and eyes shining like freshly cleaned pearls.
She throws her clothes on and rushes down for breakfast.
"Anne!" Marilla scolds as Anne slides in her seat at the kitchen table.
Matthew looks up from his food and grins.
"Food please" Anne asks, getting impatient.
"Hold your horses.. what's got you in such a rush today." Marilla questions, placing Anne's breakfast in front of her.
"Nothing" Anne nervously looks down and digs into her breakfast.
"It wouldn't be to do with your dinner date with mr Blythe would it?" Marilla questions smirking.
/Guys I've kinda forgot if Anne told Marilla in the last chapter so just pretend she did./
"No! It wouldn't why would I be exited for a dinner with Gilbert?! We are just friends!" She denies as she gets up from the table and storms out the door.
Marilla shakes her head.
As Anne skipped down the path to school. She couldn't contain her excitement of getting to see Gilbert at school.
I wonder what he's going to say to me
She pondered, giggling with happiness.
I must also tell Diana she would love to hear it Anne reminded herself.
She was fast approaching the school house when she hears her name being called.
She spins around to see none other than Gilbert jogging down to catch her up. Her cheeks flush crimson.
"Hey Anne." He says, now walking at her side.
"Hi Gilbert" she answers. Her palms sweating as she can feel him watching her.
"We still on for tonight?" he asks now blushing.
"Yep it's still a date" she exclaims. Then covering her mouth with her hand at the realisation she used the word 'date' again.
He just laughs.
"Great!" He grins at her.
"Anne!" Another voice calls her as she is just about to head up the school steps.
She sees it's Diana.
"I'll see you in a minute" Gilbert says quickly fleeing into the classroom.
But Diana has already seen.
"Walking with Gilbert Blythe are we?" She smirks her devious smirk.
"Yes and if you must know we are having a dinner date at his house tonight. Just the two of us." Anne proclaims before squealing.
"A date!" Diana squeals along with Anne.
"Oh how wonderful I'm so happy for you Anne!" Diana smiles.
Anne snaps out of her delusional state.
"But it's not in any way romantical. I wouldn't do that to Ruby as she has dibs." Anne says looking a bit glum but shaking it off with a adamant look.
Diana just grins.
"Mhm.." Diana says pretending to agree.
"It is!" Anne yells lightly hitting Diana in the arm.
"Anyway... it's still a whole school day away" Anne replied as she an Diana linked hands and waltzed into the school.
A whole day.
Oh the perils of waiting.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα