23) Detective Shirley

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Annes pale hand rested against the cool icy window. She looked out at the snowy landscape and at the vast winter forest ahead of them.

She wondered how long she would be stuck here, in the cabin- alone with Gilbert. She didn't mind being here with Gilbert - actually she thought it too be quite pleasant. She just feared what was happening in Avonlea.

She sighed as she thought about Matthew and Marilla, oh how they would be worrying. Marilla is probably losing her mind- Anne knows all to well how Marilla can be. Oh and what about dear Matthew!! She dare not even think about how her absence would affect Matthews dear fragile heart. Especially after he got frightfully ill that one time! Her mind reeled at the thought of her causing Matthew pain.

She pushed away from the window and walked over to the wooden table where Gilbert was busy cleaning the dusty plates using water that he had made by melting the ice that surrounded the small cabin.

"I hope everyone's okay back at home..." Anne smiled weakly as she gazed down at the hardworking boy.

He glanced up at her with a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.
"I'm sure all is fine. They will find us soon enough." He nodded in reassurance.

Anne groaned as she paced back towards the window, quickly glancing through it she saw the sun was setting- she turned back towards Gilbert.

"But it's nearly dark!! What are we going to do!!" She began fretting even more. "Where are we going to sleep?!"

"I'm pretty sure there's a bedroom somewhere in this cabin, I haven't checked down that hall- why don't you do the honours and report back to me detective Shirley." He remained calm and gave her a sly wink.

Detective Shirley? He's really making jokes now?

"Haha very funny Blythe." Anne said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at him before walking towards the hallway.

It was dark and dusty and as Anne walked she wondered who abandoned this house and why.

What if it was an young maiden who started a romance with a rich man who lived in a large house but then she found out he secretly had a wife and she had to flee to this cabin and make a living. Oh and what if one day she realised life is too boring without him so she went back and found him- abandoning this old cabin. Oh how romantical that would be!!! It would be just like Jane Eyre!!!

Eventually she came to a halt, snapping out of her thoughts. There were two doors, sat opposite each other. Anne grabbed the door handle on the left and slowly creaked it open.

The room was quite small and had a small bath tub in it and next to it a loo which was dusty. Anne tried not to throw up in her mouth.

"Gil come here!!" She called.

She heard the pattering of footsteps as Gilbert stood behind her and peered into the room.

"Do you suppose you have enough ice water to clean this mess." Anne chuckled lightly as she saw Gil wince at the sight.

"Yeah I guess so...I'm sure that's going to be fun!" He laughed humourlessly.

Anne turned around to grasp the other door, yanking it open she let out a gasp.
The room was big. There was a huge double bed in the middle of the room. There was also a dusty vanity set and a large wardrobe.

Anne was mainly focused on the bed. One bed. A double bed. Does that mean...?

"Uhm Gil..."

Gil sprang up behind her and she watched his eyes widen lightly before he regained his composure.

He glanced down at her eyes gleaming in mischief.

"Don't worry love, I can always sleep on the sofa and you can get the bed. Unless you feel you want my company..." he winked again, a smirk playing on his lips as he waltzed out of the room and down the hall.

Anne huffed and closed the door before following him.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now