28) Fit for a princess

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Anne could barely eat her breakfast. She was in the deepest depths of despair. The tragic events of last night had left Anne with puffy tear stained cheeks and a sour pessimistic mood.

The ball was at 7pm tonight and she couldn't believe that she would miss it because some unknown traitor had broken in and destroyed it.

Matthew had missed breakfast due to being out running an errand and Marilla was out telling Rachel all of the gossip. So Anne was alone.

She got up, preparing to head back to bed and cry all day. However she soon found herself heading towards the drawing room. The place was still a mess like it was the night before. Marilla obviously hasnt cleaned it up yet.

Anne watched the destruction and cried over how much work and effort her and Marilla had put in it just for it to be wrecked.

Suddenly she saw something. A muddy footprint, a large footprint of a bulky boot. Only the boys have large feet. A boy did this?


Gilbert awoke earlier than usual and spent his spare minutes gazing out of his window. He could just about see Green Gables and he imagined what Anne was doing, she was probably on an adventure of some sort or probably preparing for the ball. Balls seem like an event that Anne would adore. He smiled to himself at the thought of her before he slipped out of his room and towards the kitchen for breakfast.


Ruby Gillis was ecstatic, actually she was bursting with joy almost so much she was glowing.

She held her long pink frilly dress to her body she dancing around her room giggling to herself. Oh how she was excited for the ball tonight.

Last night, she had complained to Josie and Jane about her worries. Those being about Anne impressing Gilbert at the ball.

Josie said she'd fix it, Ruby wasn't sure what that meant but she was fine with whatever happens.

"Ruby dear, you're father has got your necklace now!!" her mother's sickly sweet voice called from the kitchen and Ruby smiled brightly before skipping out of the room.


Diana placed the tiara on her head, it was glittery and perfect but was way too extra and over the top for a ball at their town.

"mother i think it's a bit...much" Diana mentioned as her mother nodded.

"Yes Diana i very much agree." Her mother placed the tiara back in the box.

This morning her mother had brought out all of her jewellery so that Diana could try on some for the ball.

She was beyond excited for her and Anne to go together.

Diana had decided to switch up her dress and is wearing a lilac puffy long dress adorned in diamond around the hem and puffy sleeves.


Anne was jolted awake from her tearful slumber by matthew and marilla bustling into her room looking oddly happy.

Anne was confused, there really wasn't anything to be happy about taking in the recent events.

"Anne since your dress was ruined, i popped out and got you something." Matthew mumbled as he pulled a large white box from behind his back.

Immediately, Anne shot up in delight. Her eyes were wide and bright whilst she bounced up and down on her toes. Matthew got her a dress?!

Anne immediately pulled the lid off the box in excitement, what was lying in the box wasn't a dress, it was a gown fit for a princess.

The dress was a deep blue. It had a tight waist but flew out at the waist, the hem was listed with jewels and lace. it was long and super puffy. The top of the corset torso had a long fragile fabric that adorned the shoulders.

a/n: sort of like live action cinderella's dress

It was beautiful, no beautiful was an understatement, it was breathtaking.

Anne had tears of joy pouring down her face, she turned and threw herself at matthew and into a large hug, then she hugged Marilla.

Today was looking up.

6:30 PM

Anne walked down the green gables staircase were Marilla and Matthew were waiting. As soon as they saw her they lit up. She was beautiful.

Anne's hair was curly and was tied up in a half up half down hair style. Marilla had given her some makeup and powder to wear. She matched the dress with some silver buckled heels and a silver clutch bag.

As Anne stood at the door awaiting for Diana's carriage to arrive, she felt a buzzing in the but of her stomach like butterfly's but way more intense. She was beyond excited but also slightly anxious.

"Hope you have fun tonight Anne, you deserve it." Marilla smiled at her daughter figure.

"Don't miss curfew which is 12pm." Matthew smiles cheekily at Anne who nodded firmly with a smile.

"Wild horses couldn't stop me."

Suddenly neighs and the clopping of hooves sounded out, and the trio opened the door of Green Gables to see a large golden extravagant carriage rolling up. Anne hadn't expected this, at all. She felt like cinderella, the girl in the fairy tale book she had read at the orphanage.

Diana hopped out looking as radiant as ever, her lilac dress and Anne's blue dress looking perfectly coordinated. They smiled and ran up to each other.

"Diana you look absolutely perfect!"

"Anne you look like a princess my gosh!!!"

Diana was in awe of Anne's dress, it outsold hers by a mile.

"What happened to the dress you were making?"

"someone destroyed it! so matthew bought me this one this morning!!"

"someone destroyed it!!!" Diana looked in shock.

"yup. but we don't need to worry about that now. let's go!" Anne smiled and they linked arms before climbing into the carriage, they waved good bye to the Cuthberts and then they were on their way.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now