29) the climax

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Arriving at the ball, Annes leg was bouncing with excitement and a hint of anxiety.
Diana noticed and smiled warmly at her friends, clasping their hands together as they walked up the stairs towards the town hall.

They could see the silhouettes of the people dancing and talking within and they could hear the music echoing from the grand piano.

"Dearest Diana, i've always dreamt that i would go to a ball, but i never ever expected that dream to become realistic. i can hardly process it." Anne jiggled up and down with excitement as they stood at the entrance to the hall, handing their tickets over to one staff member.

"Anne, you're going to love it. trust me." Diana smiled reassuringly at her friend before they walked in.

Most eyes turned towards them as they entered, leaving Anne's heart pounding even more intensely.

"Diana, why are they all looking at you?" she asked her bosom friend who was smiling at her in amusement.

"No Anne, i'm pretty sure their staring at you. you look marvellous in that dress."

Anne felt her cheeks blush a further deep red as she and Diana walked across the room where Cole was awaiting them. People had began to gossip and whisper, their eyes still staring at her.

"So i see the pauper has become the princess." Cole jested as he opened his arms for Anne, squeezing her into a tight hug.

"hey!!" Anne whacked his shoulder when she realised what he said.

Anne was about to hit Cole again but a shy cough interrupted them. All three turned around to see Charlie standing there. His curls were as wild as ever and he was twiddling his thumbs nervously. Bowing as soon as he saw Diana, they both blushed.

"Diana you look so....pretty," he stuttered, "will you do the honour of accompanying me for a dance?"

Diana squealed lightly before regaining her composure and nodding politely. Her and Charlie proceeded to walk arm in arm towards the centre of the dance floor.

Anne collapsed onto of the the chairs next to Coles, her large blue puffy dress scattered everywhere. They both sat in silence as they looked around the room.

Anne wasn't sure who Cole was looking for, but she didn't care as she was too busy looking for a hazel eyed curly haired boy.

She couldn't see him or Ruby anywhere. Sighing in defeat she turned her attention away and down to her hands clasped in her lap.

"Couldn't find prince charming?" Cole smirked from beside her, Anne rolled her eyes.

"i'm not sure what you are referring to Cole."

"Don't play dumb with me Anne, i know you're looking for Gilbert. Just admit you like him already and save everyone a load of pain." Anne was shocked those words had left his mouth. They both looked at each other silently for a while before they both burst out laughing.

"I can't hide anything from you Cole, it's great but also extremely irritating at times." Anne huffed, a smile etched on her face.

"it's my special power, it came with my gayness." he whispered the last part, extremely conscious over anyone hearing him.

Anne just burst out laughing once more, however this laughing came to a holt as soon as she saw them.

two pairs. two blond girls. two boys. laughing.

Josie was wearing a long puffy lilac dress that looked like it had so many layers Anne was surprised she didn't get lost in it. She was clutching onto the arm of Billy Andrews, he looked as chuffed and cocky as usual. It made Anne sick.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now