16) The loud roar of thunder

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Silence loomed over the group of teenagers as they all listened to the crackle of lightning and the grumbles of thunder that echoed through the sky.

Anne was sat cross legged in front of the group, she was drawing patterns in the soil covered ground with a thin twig she found stuck to her dress.

Diana and Charlie kept giving eye other hardcore eye contact which would last a few second before they would blush and turn away just so they could repeat this process.

Cole was sat their silently moulding his clay not making eye contact with anyone or anything except that squishy ball that he goes to for comfort and entertainment.

Ruby wasn't surprising anyone, she was sat their staring up in awe at Gilbert who wasn't paying any attention to her at all.

Gilbert, Anne could feel his hazel eyes resting on her. At times they would flicker away for a few moments before landing right back on her.
-I know that sounds kinda creepy but it had only been like 6 minutes so it isn't that bad I guess.

Anne huffed loudly and all eyes flickered to her. She then proceeded to throw the stick out into the stormy weather.
"What did that stick ever do to you?" Cole asked, raising his eyebrows at Anne.
She replied with a glare. "It was simply not sharp enough to make recognisable shapes in the mud that needed to be perfectly recognisable other wise it would just ruin the whole metaphor of the shape that was meant to be shown throughout the drawing which is simply dreadful as if you were to try and show something through a drawing you would want to show it correctly otherwise people will see it in a way that you didn't intend for them to see it in and that will effect how they feel towards that certain shape, and if I want to draw something to show people how I view the shape it must be perfect otherwise they won't be able to see the deliciously exuberant way I see that shape. And that would be no good at all." She blabbed on.
When she looked up she noticed they all had their mouths wide open and they all looked confused.
Well all except Gilbert who sat their smiling at Anne.
She rolled her eyes.
"Nothing..." they all murmured looking down at their shoes.
Anne shook her head.
She was about to say something else when a loud roar of thunder shook the hut fiercely.
Diana grasped onto Charlie's arm as he pulled her close.
Ruby went to reach for Gilbert but he was already up and sat by Anne who looked like she had seen a ghost.
Ruby looking for any show of comfort leapt into Coles arms.
Cole was scared too but he didn't like being touched in anyway. He was about to protest but heard Ruby's soft scared cries so he decided not too and instead comforted her.
Anne squeaked in fright and the others screamed as the hut shuddered fiercely due to the thunder.
Immediately she felt strong muscular arms wrap around her tightly. She glanced up to see Gilbert holding onto her, he looked like he was in protection mode.
She then noticed all the others had copied him: Diana was wrapped in Charlie's embrace and Ruby was huddling into an uncomfortable Coles stomach.
She was ready to protest being this close to Gilbert but saw that Ruby wasn't really noticing so she snuggled herself against his warm wool jumper.
All the girls were whimpering.
You could tell the boys were frightened but they didn't make a sound.
Anne rolled eyes, why were they ashamed to show emotion.

Gilbert's warm embrace took away her thoughts of anger towards him and the others.
He stroked her hair softly and whispered reassuring thoughts into her ear.
Five minutes had passed and they were all starting to calm down when:
the whole hut broke and was dragged a few inches by the fierce wind.
They all screamed in fright.
Wood panels and leafs hit them as the hut was destroyed.
"Everyone get out!" Gilbert's commanding voice yelled at them.
They all began to scramble out the numerous big gaps in the hut where the wind had destroyed it.
Once out they all started panicking.
Thunder was roaring.
Wind was blowing all their clothes and hair.
And the worse thing.
Lighting was still bolting down from the sky.
Ruby and Diana began to cry and held onto to Cole and Charlie.
Anne- as much as she didn't want to- removed herself from Gilbert's grasp.
He began to protest but she stopped him.
"Guys we cant stay out here we have to find and place to stay" she yelled. She attempted to look around but the rain,wind,thunder and lighting were making it impossible to see and to concentrate. But Anne managed to see a pathway that looked much less muddy then the rest.
"We have to run!" She yelled and they all nodded.
She pointed towards the pathway.
"This way lets go!!" With that she grabbed Gilbert's hand and ran.
The others following behind.
She ran and ran Gilbert by her side.
They ran through the forest avoiding the muddy parts.
At first Anne had been able to hear the twelve boots thumping against the wooden floor but as she cans to a stop all she could hear were four.
She spun around panting, the wind blowing her hair, that had come undone, into her face.
"Where's Ruby,Diana,Charlie and Cole?!" She screamed, panic surging through her body. Her eyes frantically searching around.
They were at the edge of the woods and field lay before them.
"We must of lost them!" Gilbert yelled back, his grip tightening around Anne's hand in fear he may lose her too.
"What do we do?!" Anne wailed tears forming in her eyes.
Gilbert looked around frantically.
"There!" He yelled.
Anne follows his gaze.
At the far edge of the field was a large wooden shed/ summer house that looked like it hadn't been touched for years.
They nodded at each other and began to sprint across the field.
The wind was too strong, the rain to hard, the thunder to loud an the lighting to threatening.
Anne tripped and landed face first in the wet grass. Gilbert who was ahead of Anne heard her scream in agony and halted. He spun around and raced back to her. He pulled her up. All he saw was red blood on her face. He panicked.
She was dizzy and unable to walk properly so he picked her up so she was facing him. She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and flopped her head down on his shoulder so she didn't get in the way of his view.
He sprinted down the field, Anne clinging onto his body.
Once he arrived at the wooden shack. He kicked the door open with ease.

It was pretty decently decorated inside:
It had a nice fireplace, two sofas, a dining table, a stove and counter tops.
- it also has one bedroom ;) and a bathroom but he don't know this yet-
The only problem was that it was musty and it smelt of rotting wood.
He placed Anne down delicately onto one of the sofas then presumed to collapse onto the floor.

I'm back bitchesss
Srry it's been a while
Schools just been a lot!
Anyway Im so happy to write again!
This chapter was much long then the rest so be grateful!!

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