21- truth or... truth?

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( i know i said you were going on dates with everyone, but this has to happen before the dating starts! youll get what i mean later...)

[also im sorry this is so short i was a little unmotivated TWT]

light burned against your eyelids, begging you to get up for the day as you remained in your bed. you tossed and turned, trying to cover your head and get a few more minutes of sleep in before having to get up for the day. "go awayyyy..." you groaned, accidentally falling out of the bed.

mumbling curses, you stumbled back to your feet and made your bed, not bothering to change your clothes and remaining in your pajamas. as you placed the pillow back down onto your bed, a little box caught your eye. it sat alone on your nightstand with the initials C.P.12 on top, a stack of cards beneath it. "hm? whats this?"

you picked up the box and opened it up, reveling a cluster of orange pills inside. "what the..."

you had no idea what they could do, but being the dumbass you were you popped one into your mouth and waited for the effects. five minutes passed and nothing happened. you shrugged your shoulders and grabbed the box of pills and stack of cards, heading downstairs to find who they belonged too.

walking into the kitchen, you found illuso eating a plate of bacon as he scrolled through his phone. "hey luso, do these belong to you?" you asked, passing him the cards and box of pills.

he looked up from his phone and examined the box and cards. "no, but what do those say?" he asked, pointing to the cards in your hand.

"i dont know, the pills did nothing either."

"you took one?" he asked with a worried tone.

"yeah, but nothing happened."

he sat down his phone and brushed off his hands, picking up the cars and reading them to himself. "they're just questions.."

"what do you mean?

"i mean what i said, these are just questions."

"read one to me." you requested.

he flipped through the cards and stopped at an interesting question. "do you ever wear lingerie?"

"yes." you responded, immediately clasping a hand over your mouth. "what just happened?.." you mumbled.

illuso flipped back through the cards with an amused face, he held up a new question. "would you ever date someone on the team?"

"most definitely, in fact-" you slapped another hand over your mouth, muffling the remainder of your words.

"oh, so you mustve taken a truth pill of some sort, this should get interesting..." illuso hummed with a cheeky smile.

"illuso no."

"illuso YES!" he yelled, shuffling through the cards.

"whats going on?..." melone grumbled, walking into the room with a yawn.

"(y/n) cant lie." illuso answered, holding a card in his hand.

"what do you mean?"

"she took a pill that makes her tell the truth to everything, so im asking her the questions on these cards." illuso snickered.

"that sounds fun! count me in!" melone said excitedly, snatching the card from illusos hand and reading it to you.

"on a scale from one to ten, rate risotto.." melone instructed with a mischievous grin that matched illusos.

"nine- F U C K !" you answered with a yell, causing illuso and melone to burst into laughter.

"what the hell is going on? prosciutto asked, walking into the room with ghiaccio and formaggio.

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