sixty-nine ☆ this isn't like you

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TW !

self-harm is
in this chapter.

of twenty-twenty

narrator's pov.

"can someone explain to me why easy elena is the current talk of everyone at pineland and is starting to make its way to our school?" rosaline inquired, showing her phone to her lunch table.

"whoa, is that elena's locker?" corbyn asked.

"her reputation is basically demolished," daniel added, "who would do something like that?"

presley shrugged, "she got what she deserved."

rosaline, corbyn, and daniel all tilted their heads at the brunette, and rosaline asked, "are you serious, pres?"

the brunette nodded, "look, her life is literally perfect. she's in a happy relationship, her ex-boyfriend is still crazy for her, and she has a bunch of new friends. it's about time she got reality checked that her life isn't some type of fictional story."

"i get that you're still mad about what she did, but nobody deserves to be public humiliated like that," corbyn pointed out, "she probably feels like shit right now."

rosaline sighed, "i hate to say it, but i feel bad. and not going to lie, i miss her."

presley rolled her eyes, and whined, "not you too, rose. daniel and corbyn already switched up, now you are too?"

"hey, we didn't necessarily switch up," daniel added, "we just understood the situation from her point of view. maybe you should try that, presley?"


rose 🧚🏼‍♀️:
hey elena

rose 🧚🏼‍♀️:
do u think we can meet
up at courtney's café?

elena 🌻:

elena 🌻:
does 7 work?

rose 🧚🏼‍♀️:
yes for sure
i'll see u then


rosaline sat at table, and waiting for elena who appeared to be running late. once the dark-haired girl arrived, many people gave her strange looks as she entered the café. elena assumed that those people were aware of her reputation as easy elena.

"hi," rosaline greeted.

"hi," elena said back.

rosaline sighed, "honestly, elena, i thought this day would never come. i thought i had cut you off forever and i'd never be your friend again, but that clearly isn't the case. i saw on instagram what's been going on, and it seriously hurt me to see that you were being targeted by basically the entire student body. once i felt that hurt for you, i realized i still care about you. elena, you've been one of my best friends for years, and i'm sorry for being upset with you."

"i get why you were mad, rosie," elena started, "this past month has been pretty lonely, and it kind of stunk not being able to see all of you as often. i don't know, rosie, i just feel like nothing will ever be the same again. i'm starting to lose hope that presley will ever be my friend again."

the dark-haired girl started to feel strange. elena is not the type of person to give up, especially on her friends.

"elena, take your own advice and look for the best in this situation," rosaline suggested, "presley just needs the most time out of all of us. i think if corbyn talks to her it'll knock some sense into her."

elena shrugged, "she probably hates me. you, daniel, and corbyn already told me that she needs time, but it's been almost two months. i think she's done with being my friend."

rosaline tilted her head, "elena, this isn't like you. you're always positive and optimistic. is something else going on besides all of the pineland drama?"

"i don't know," elena sighed, "i really just don't know, rosie."


after making amends with rosaline, elena headed home. recently, her home life had become even more stressful. karen was drowning her in chores and scolds, and elena tried her best to conceal her feelings. however, it was especially difficult to do that at home.

elena walked into her bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror. all she could think about was how unhappy she had become in such a short amount of time, and what she desired most was for the pain to go away. she reached in the back of her bottom cabinet to find the tool that she hadn't used in years. elena was looking for her lighter.

the moment she grabbed onto it, all of her past memories came flooding back into her brain. the first time she used her lighter was in third grade after her mom died. even at such a young age, she thought that hurting herself would bring her mother back to life.

elena switched on the lighter, and was mesmerized by the heat provided from it. she slowly lifted her left arm, and brought the flame closer. the fire and her skin were about to make contact, but elena recalled a memory with zach.

the day of the closing of the sunflower field popped into her head, and she reminisced about zach comforting her. you can always talk to me, ellie replayed in her head, and she contemplated whether or not to fall into her old habits.

the pain overpowered her love for zach, and the flame made contact with her forearm. elena winced from the pain, but in a way, it made her feel better.

what truly made her feel worse was that she felt like she couldn't tell zach about her emotional state.


a / n :

and here begins elena's emotional downfall ):
at least her and rose are friends again!

also, if you by any chance related to this
chapter, i'd just like to remind you that i
love you and you are such an asset to this
world. never forget all of the people that
care about you. my dm's are always open
if you need someone to talk to <3

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