Chris smiles a little. "I won't be, baby. As long as I don't see him, I don't think I'll worry too much about him." 21:40 

Gracie: Um, sorry... Why didn't you just ask sooner? 21:42 

Talia nods and hugs her knees "The only person that can annoy you is me. So he better back off" 21:44 

Brendan: You were the mayor's daughter, Gracie. What other reason do you think? I was terrified of asking you and especially terrified of your father. You were just always out of my reach. Whenever you were actually outside, you were always sneaking out with Chris, so I even started to think that maybe you two were --- 21:44 

Gracie: Ew. No. 21:44 

Talia: (O.o lol) 21:45 

Brendan smirks. "Well, I let my fear get the best of me and made one of the worst mistakes I could have ever made... It's not like I can go back and change it now. It'd still like to be your friend though." 21:45 

Gracie: (LMAO, Talia. Like I said, if people read this, you know there would be people shipping Gris just because we were childhood friends.) 21:46 

Talia: (NO BAD GRACIE!!!) 21:46 

Chris smiles and wraps his arm around Talia, kissing her cheek. 21:47 

Chris: (Well.... Now that she mentions it.... Gracie is pretty hot.... It did occur to me once that maybe I should ask her out.... Lmao.) 21:47 

Brendan: (Pft. Gris. Try Bracie. Now THERE is a couple that's meant to be.) 21:48 

Talia: (-_- I will get you sick on purpose) 21:48 

Gracie: (LMAO.) 21:48 

Chris: (I'm kidding. You know you're the only one for me, Talia!) 21:49 

Talia: (Yeah now you say it) 21:49 

Chris: (I love you, baby!) 21:49 

Talia: (Aww love you tooo!!) 21:50 

Gracie smiles. "Of course, Brendan. I'd love to still be friends. I've really missed you." 21:50 

Brendan grins, getting a little hopeful that maybe she'll dump the loser she's with and someday date him instead. 21:50 

Talia smiles 21:50 

Talia: I hope I don't get you sick 21:51 

Brendan: (Oh yeah. I'm going to stir up a lot of trouble here...) 21:51 

Talia: (lol) 21:51 

Chris shrugs. "I have the immune system of a god at this point. I doubt I will. And even if I do, I got more than enough medicine to cure it." 21:52 

Gracie: (Bad Brendan!) 21:52 

Brendan: (Oh, I can be worse. ;) ) 21:52 

Gracie: So, is your face hurting worse? Do I need to go get some kind of painkillers? 21:54 

Brendan: No, Cici. I think I'll be okay. It really just looks worse than it feels, I think. 21:55 

Talia: The god of not being sick. Wow, that is a special gift. 21:55 

Chris: Don't forget of super strength, photographic memory, books, and oreos. 21:56 

Talia: No oreos are mine 21:56 

Gracie: Well, I guess you should still stay here for the night. Even with the chance of Chris killing you in your sleep... 21:57 

Chris smiles. "Right. My Oreo goddess. I'd bow and pray to you night and day." 21:58 

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