Chapter 6

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The Atlesian Snow Falls upon The Schnee Estate Where the Atlesian Elite attends Jacques Schnee's  birthday.

How little do these guests know about the wolf in their midst....

The mansion was of a Victorian-style Mansion with multiple bedrooms on both floors and It is completely isolated, You couldn't find any settlements for 200 miles in any direction. To compliment for its isolation, There is a garrison of Atlesian Knights(Robots) put in the estate itself, and security that is top class.

The guests entered the Mansion as if on queue as the last Guest Entered The doors and windows locked shut, Then on the second floor the Atlesian Robots aimed their Guns at the now hostages, Then a cloaked man appeared.

Jacques:"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He exclaimed

???:"A Hostage taking, Schnee. Now everyone I cordially invite all of you to be my hostages."

Random Atlesian Elite:"HA! Is this the entertainment Jacques?"

Jacques:"Unfortunately no. I DEMAND YOU RELEASE US AT ONCE!"


Jacques:"How dare you insult me?!"

Then winter charged at the man, and she tried stabbing him quickly with her Sabre. And he just caught it mid air and broke it in half with his now revealed left robotic arm.

???:"You schnees and your fancy metal toothpicks."

Then in retaliation the cloaked figure broke her arm and threw her down the stairs like a rag doll.


She shouted before running towards her sister's body.

"What do you want?! Shouted Weiss

"War..." The figure answered "What I want is war."

Back To you

"So you want us to save a bunch of High brow, Silver spoon stuck up their asses NORMIES?!"
Shouted Rico.

Rico was a tall, brown haired, Amber eyed hot-headed leader of Echo Team of Vacuo descent.

Vicki, the Intelligence officer for our mission, sighed.
"Our mission is not to save the Elite but our spies in that party."

Her Ocean - blue eyes locked with Rico's as if saying Stand down or you'll be cleaning toilets. Which Rico got and stood down.

"Your mission is to eliminate This man."

She said before a hologram of a bald man with multiple cybernetics. With Two prosthetic arms, A cybernetic eye and scars all over. He was wearing a suit with red tie.

"Who is he?" Asked Darius

"An Atlesian assassin, the one who does the dirty work and a Agent 47 cosplayer."

"Probably making up for his inferiority complex." Alissa motioned with her pinky, she snickered.

"He worked for Atlas For twenty years and has stayed loyal, Until a few weeks ago, on a mission He snapped and disappeared. And resurfacing only 20 minutes ago when he took the Elite hostage." Vicki continued "You will all be posing as Banished Mercs."

Banished Mercinaries, it's exactly what it sounds like, Banished that became Mercinaries but unlike other Mercinaries there's a twist, Bomb Collars, Get too close to a radio emitting the same frequency as yours? Boom. Get too far from the group or try to kill your Handler? You won't be thinking about anything anymore. These Fools Joined to get back into Society, but that's what They only say Up - front, It's usually just a cover for high profile operations.

"I'm all in" Alex said "But do we have
To wear bomb collars?"

"Yes." Vicki replied

"Real ones?"

"Oh goodness no. Just Fake ones with flashing colors, to distract the babies who call themselves 'elite'."
She said

Six Hours later....

They already Were ready to breach  the front door of the mansion as a distraction, They had already taken out the patrols around the estate.

Alex was gripping his GHT-15 tri mode rifle.
(As a brief explanation this weapon has three modes, Laser, Plasma and Ballistic all three are pretty self explanatory)
He calmed himself, He slowed his breathing through his mask.(Which was similar to ghost 's mask in Call of Duty, he will be missed :(    )

As he heard over the radio Rico's count down...







It was so fast. The Explosion Directed Everyone's attention to the front door while Rico's team, Breached through the windows behind Kuzo catching him off guard. Alissa Threw an Emp grenade which shut off every Robot in the Ballroom. Rico's Team unloaded entire magazines into Kuzo when the glass broke. He went down in seconds. As the smoke cleared, Kuzo was down and not bleeding out.

He stood up. And Choked Rico and threw him over to us.

"You thought you could kill me that easily?" He said, his tone screaming pride. He pulled out his weapon which was a katana with a gun attached to it's hilt.

Darius ordered his unit to fire and Rico's team also did.

Alex switched to Laser mode on his rifle blasting the bastard with A laser beam doing significant damage with kuzo being unable to use his left arm.

"I can kill all of you with one arm."
He said "Starting with you." He pointed to Alex.

He charged Alex. With Alex switching to his combat shovel, Their weapons locked.

"A shovel!" Kuzo exclaimed. "This is the funniest thing I've seen."

"How bold of you to assume that combat shovels are useless."
Alex replied

Alex held kuzo's Right arm which surprised kuzo, and Alex did a swift sweep with his foot, which did what Alex expected to throw the bastard, off balance and fall, In seconds Alex dis-armed kuzo mid-air and used His katana to stab himself.

Kuzo was impaled to the ground. With his corpse gushing blood.

Then Alex made the mistake of removing his mask  so he can breathe easily. Which Weiss definitely recognised.

Darius walked up to Alex. Darius was wearing a Mask similar to a hockey mask But there were no holes except for the eye holes. 


"Don't give me that shit!"

"Why is she shouting at the hall!"

"For the last time, did you do something to her?"


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