Chapter 23

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A figure alone in a dark room, surrounded by computers, he typed away at his laptop, the click-clack of the keyboard and the whirring of fans only accompanied him, this was his second try to break through at the system's defences if he failed this time he'd one last chance before being traced and found by them, he clicked his tongue, he's already made several mistakes, anymore and he'd be locked out of this entry point, and they would have to run again.

"Hey." A voice called out, it was a woman's.

"What do you want? I'm busy." He responded, completely annoyed, at the figure, his eyes were still glued to the screen.

"The queen asks if you can go any faster." She paraphrased.

"I can't, Their system is alien and highly advanced."

"Watts could do better."

"He can't." He only responded, reminding her what happened, how he died, his complete unwillingness to give up killed him, the banished or "Expulsus" as they call themselves tracked down old watts, captured, tortured him and he got suicided in prison.

The woman let out a sigh

"Just get it done." She said, before leaving

He did not respond as he only kept typing, and typing.

Their organization used to rule the world, almost able to completely pull the rug under that traitorous wizard in his fancy tower, the banished bastards were almost unbeatable, their infiltration tactics were completely upended by them, most spies were never heard from again and only a handful were able to truly infiltrate undetected, but were not in positions of power or of significance, they could only feed them information that were basic, what a predicament, until the war, it made it easier for infiltrations and the like-


Gunshots, They've found us.


Explosions rang throughout the building, the scroll lit to life as the sounds of gunfire and death rang through it, as the tired and panting figure on the other side of the call shouted into it.


The hacker's eyes widened and his breathing became faster, this... this was how they took Watts.

He focused on his computer and initiated the lockdown sequence, reinforced blastdoors locked themselves shut, he felt a little safe but these obviously would not hold them of forever.

He started typing faster on his computer, his heart was beating faster than it had ever been up to this point, these godless bastards were going to pay for the people they killed, for his sister that they killed and incinerated, to "liberate" Vacuo, he was going to have his revenge, he didn't care if it cost him his life or if he wasn't the one to enact the revenge he so planned for them.

Pop-ups on his left most screen saw that the banished were breaking the blast doors down one by one, his hands typed on the keyboard faster, as the footage from showed that they've brought a weapon to knock down all of the walls, they were advancing from all sides, there was no escape, even if he did escape they would find him and do what they did to vacuo to which ever city that sheltered him, the propaganda that was released of the massacre it made him laugh 'Destroyed in one, rebuilt in 7' there was nothing left of it but smoldering ashes and mass graves.

They stole the relic from his old academy, Shade. They hunted down the survivors like pigs even if they did manage to escape, that island of convicts finally has had their revenge.

The fighting had stopped as the last man tried to surrender, he heard it over the scroll.

"Wait! Wait! I surrender!" He begged, his voice breaking.

"Identify yourself." The banished pig demanded.

"Mortiam." He said "Mortiam Temio."



"Which kingdom do you hail?!" He demanded even louder


BANG! a shot from a weapon as the body drops to the floor footsteps soon followed and picked up the scroll.

"Lionel Pertium, I know you're in there, surrender and we will treat you humanely and fairly."

"like how you humanely and fairly murdered my friend?"

"Yes, you and I both know that my men would have done so much worse, after all you were at the siege of Vacuo."

"How could I forget that dreaded day." Lionel's heart beat faster when he remembered when the banished broke through their defenses, they never stood a chance, he just wanted to hide and perhaps escape the city with his sister.

"I would be surprised if you didn't, your sister fought off my soldiers before being captured and broken by my men, while you ran like a coward." The officer mocked

That's right he ran, he ran like an oumdamned coward, leaving his sister behind to be given a fate worse than death by those monsters, not any more.

"You are crazy, you know that?" The Officer monologued as the sound of a machine being set down and activated was audibly heard in the background "You had the chance to walk away and just forget everything, maybe retire and start a farm in the country side, but here you are resisting against our rule, tell me why do it? You were given a chance, a way out which most people would take, fighting for a flawed world, for people who never cared about anyone, your home was even a shithole before we even came along."

"Killing innocent people? People just trying to live their lives? I didn't know you people were such hypocrites, if you still consider yourselves victims of a flawed system."


Lionel was taken aback by his response


"You only people lived better than us after you got banished, after you were shunned, the stars themselves became yours, almost no race hating fueled riots and open fights, what a scary concept."


The machine drilled into the sealed door, but he still kept tapping away, he's already found a backdoor to their system he's already exploiting the code and creating as many hidden backdoors as he can, as he heard one of the blast doors came crashing down, which just encouraged him to type faster, he was going to die and by the gods he was going to make it all crashing down, if he could just simply take down their network here and cause enough chaos, he would consider vengeance fulfilled after the banished took away, his home, his family, everything, damn them all to hell! He didn't even do anything to them!

He could hear their drill penetrating the door, "Work Faster!" Lionel screamed 

He typed faster and faster, until seeing the final prompt 

execute command? (Y/N) 

His finger pressed down on the Y button, The virus and the chaos it would bring was unleashed unto the network and the data they stole sent to Salem

The door finally broke down and Banished troops poured in, Lionel grabbing his pistol, placed the barrel of his gun under his jaw and softly squeezed the trigger

"This is my vengance, damn you all to hell." 

The officer, walked to the lifeless corpse of Lionel, 

The officer kicked it several times in anger and shot it with his side arm 

"FUCKING NORMALS PIECE OF SHIT!"  He shouted in anger 

he looked to the laptop, it executed what ever Lionel did, before the Motherboard set itself ablaze

"Tell high command we failed." The officer said in a huffing voice

The City of the Banished (RWBY X Bullied!Cheated! Male Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now