Chapter 16 [War for Remnant]

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Ruby stared out of her window, with a dull gaze, She's been having nightmares since that day, two years ago, She didn't want Alex to be gone, she protested against it.


"Come on Yang! WE cheated on him!" Ruby said to her half-sister

"If Dad and Uncle Qrow, find out what we did, do you think they'll be proud?"

"But, this, This isn't right!"

"I know, but it's one bad thing compared to the hundreds of good things that we did."

"Ruby, Yang's right this is the only way we can cover this up." Said Blake

"But why?"

"If this breaks out, our families will be really pissed at us, you'll ruin mom's name." Yang said

"Mom? I don't want that..."

"Ruby, if it helps you, I'll do all of the talking." Said Weiss

Ruby pulled her legs closer, with her dull grey eyes staring at the floor.

Her re-occuring dream, was not like Weiss's it was much more horrific.


Ruby woke up in a pitch black area she could only see the cobblestone brick path.

She was on the ground, she stood up.


A hoarse voice called out to her.

"Who's there."


The voice called to her again.



"Wher-Where are you?!"


"Where Am I?!"

Then with a fiery red flash enveloping her eyesight, she covered her eyes to protect it from the sudden change of light.

"Welcome to Hell, Ruby. I've been waiting for you. "

She fell to the ground.

Her mouth was agape and she saw beacon in flames, Vale was in flames, and the waters below were in flames.

"Why, Why am I here?!"

"Your crimes, Rose. Your Lies. Your inflicted pain."

"What's-Who's there!?"

"Your Victim, the one that loved you."

He walked past her, before he disappeared into a flurry of roses

"I-I had no choice." Ruby Objected.

"There's always a choice, You just fucked it up. " Alex Stated once again.

"I-I love You! I always have!" She shouted at her surroundings as if he was there.

He materialized infront of her, he was looking at her straight in the eye.

"Deep down, You knew I had to disappear."

Before he turned to rose petals and was blown away by the wind.

She fell to her knees.

"I, I, loved you." She said to herself.

"Ruby." She heard a man groan in pain, she looked right infront of her.

"Alex." She replied

He had a chain around his neck and behind him was darkness, complete darkness and the chain was going into the darkness, slowly tugging away at his neck.


He reached out to her with his hands he tried to crawl to her.

"Hold on, I'll get you out of there." She said frantically looking for something to break the chain.

The chain kept tugging at his neck

"Ruby, I love you." He said before the chain pulled him away from her and into the darkness

She stood there her arm outstretched,
With her mouth agape.

It happened each night, with it hurting her more badly each time she went to bed.

So, she'd been sleeping less, which did not help her, at all.

"Hey, sis." Yang approached her.
"You doin' okay?"

"No, Yang! I feel terrible!" She said to the golden haired harlot


"Don't 'Rubes' me!" Ruby had enough, all of it was pouring out, "If we hadn't gone to that Bar, We wouldn't be like this! We wouldn't get taken advantage of! If we didn't go! If I didn't go I'd still be at his side! So I don't want your pity!"

Ruby shoved her out of the room and slammed the door on her.

She leaned her head against the door and tears started running from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Alex."
Two years ago...

"Guys, there's this new bar across town, we gotta check it out."

"I think we should consult Alex first." Said Ruby.

"Ruby's right, We should ask him first."

"Guys, he's our boyfriend, not our dad." Said Yang.

"No, thank you I think I still have studying to do."

"Well, if you guys want Alex to be bored of us, then.." Yang trailed off.

"Bored?" Coco asked "He's already a one of a kind gem, I don't want to lose him.. I think I'll come with."

"If you say it like that..." Said Weiss

"Yep I'll definitely come with you." Said Blake.

"But what if we sleep with other people there?" Asked Velvet

"It's impossible, and plus it's a new bar, so there wouldn't be any weirdos there."

"Do they serve pancakes?"


"Then count me in!"

"I don't know guys, we should really think about this.." asked Pyrrha

"Come on Pyrrha, It'll be a one time thing!"

"Yeah Pyrrha."

"There's pancakes Pyrrha! PANCAKES!"

And with that Pyrrha was peer pressured into coming with.

"I think I'll go!"

They arrived at the bar and all of them got hammered, which made them targets for perverts, They then molested and claimed the women for themselves, and they blackmailed them to keep them from telling the cops.

It only got worse when they sent Alex the tapes, They knew they would lose
Him, so in an attempt to keep him from disappearing, they begged him to stay, which he then, well... You know the rest.

"So according to Walter from administration, the Faunus, the cat. Had a background in the white fang."

"Wait, really?"


"She was involved in numerous scores and was also involved in jacking the 'Taurus Train'."

"Do not mention, 'Taurus Train' or you'll find yourself in a straight jacket.

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