Chapter 22

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Yang's world was thrown upside down, literally, she was being thrown upside down into the sand of the Arena.

"Now, What did Branwen do wrong?" The Instructor asked the class.

No answers.

"She relied heavily on her fists." He said "She can get away with it because it's her style but I seriously recommend not to do that, over reliance can get you killed."

"You all think your weapons are the most valuable tool in your arsenal, and that is the most wrong thing you could ever imagine, your most valuable weapons, are yourselves. Your arms and legs are almost as strong as iron due to the training you have all received in Remnant's famed combat schools, trust me, the eggheads confirmed it with math. Now, don't get me wrong every technique has their flaws, like mace wielders rely on tanking the hits and giving it back two-fold to the enemy, which tires them out easily, or how scythe wielders rely on speed rather than power, which also tires them out quickly, and don't think if you've got a well-rounded style, you shouldn't rely on it heavily, it just makes you predictable."

"Alright, for homework." He said which earned him a collective groan from All of them. "Relax, All of you just need to need to research Close Quarters Combat techniques and Styles, even you Branwen, and pick the ones you want and tell me tomorrow and I'll give you some tips for that technique or Style, Class Dismissed." He said as he swiftly walked out of the room outside of the building and into the empty courtyards of
Beacon, he walked swiftly to the ports where a shuttle was going to take him to a space station that was the military's HQ for the planet, before he entered the craft he glanced at the floating structure that was at the center of Vale before getting into the waiting vehicle.

A year ago, before the war

"Hey, Al."

Alexander turned to the voice, Alissa Locke

"Al? What the fuck?" He questioned her,

"Hey your name's Alex, so 'Al'." She said,

"No, it's Alexander, Alex is already a nick name, did you just... Give a nickname to my nickname?"

"Well, then Big Al?" The blonde smirked,

"Go fuck yourself Lieutenant."

"Will do Captain."

Alexander let out a sigh, of disappointment to his subordinate, how the hell did this woman ever rise to this position, was a question that only the gods can answer.

"Atten-hut!" Shouted an officer at the front of the room.

As Darius walked into the podium on the left.

"You all must be questioning, Why did High Command in all of their infinite wisdom pull all of us out of vacation."

The people in the room groaned remembering why they were here in the first place,

"Well, Salem, Designated 'Queen' is at it again, her cult bombed a Krispy Kreme that is right next to Crassus Air Base, usually that isn't a big of a problem to mobilize an entire Regiment, but the bombing got several scientists, engineers and officers that were in the donut shop at the time."

His hand moved to pull out a small tablet, pressing a few buttons on it, the room's shutters descended, covering the room in darkness, and a hologram of many experimental weapons and craft floated in the middle of the room.

"Crassus Air Base, is also a weapon development facility, creating some of the weapons that we currently, after the bombing several items from the base went missing, A near infinite bag, that can store anything, a dagger that can cut through anything, schematics for the craft Garm, Gladius, and Pila, Garm is a fighter aircraft with immense dogfighting capabilities, it is also capable of FTL, Gladius, is a ship designed for ramming maneuvers, designed to be a vanguard of fleets, of course it is also filled with experimental tech and Pila is a highly dangerous weapon that is able to launch multiple nuclear warheads at once, other stolen objects include, a chemical bomb, an all purpose rocket launcher, and a high intensity laser cannon that can tear a Warship in half in a single shot." He read from his notes, "But our mission is to not find these, another Unit is being briefed and assigned as we speak, our job is to find the bastards who are behind this."

"So, Major when we starting?" Alexander looked to the voice, it was the newly promoted, now Lieutenant Desdemona Drei,

"Slow down Lieutenant Drei, I was just getting to that." He said to her, his hand raised moving gently back and forth.

"We are starting next week that should be enough to prep all of the equipment we need for this Operation, any more questions?"

Other hands rose up, questions followed



"Rules of Engagement?"

All of the basic questions when a operation is planned, infact operations like these were common to the unit, but ever since Salem and her group intensified their attacks, Desdemona's been... Uppity, any missions and investigations, that has even the slightest bit of meddling from Salem and her group she'd volunteer for the mission, honestly I have no idea why she's obsessed with Salem and her cult, if she was just any more obsessed she'd be in a watchlist somewhere.

"Is that all?" Darius looked out into the 15 or so people in the room, looking for raised hands, after he was sure that no one else had wanted to say something, "Alright, brief your men, prep every equipment we might need and do some drills, keep your men's skills sharp, dismissed." The Major then left the room, as the air inside it became normal again, the tenseness disappearing.

"So Alex I heard you've started dating that Captain?"


"You know who I'm talking about."

"My personal life is not yours to pry Lieutenant."

"Hmp." She crossed her arms "Fine, suit yourself."

"You're a tsundere to the core you know that right?"

"Whaaat? Noooo..."

"Now I understand why you don't have a boyfriend." He said

"Just... Waiting for the right one."

"That's what they all say and the next thing you know, you're a cat lady."

"Why you gotta be so mean?"

"It's part of the job, Blondie." He joked


"You know, there are other ways of initiating your new crew mates." He said to his girlfriend,

"No, there's never a better way than my way."

"You've got to be flexible sometimes."

"Are you trying to tell me something?"

"I dunno am I?"

"Nevertheless, I am staying firm on what I believe in."

"Giving your crew concussions does not count as an ideology."

"Whaaat? I can't hear you over the engine, I guess I better hang up."

"You're in the bri-" He was cut off, as the transmission was cut.


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

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