Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath and walked through the door. They all turned to look at me looking for an answer without asking a question. "Cap broke him, she's in with him right now." Bailey looked at me confused, "You left him?" I shrugged as I wrapped my arms around Amy, "There were more important things to do and do you really think I had a choice?" She knew I was right. When Val told you to do something you did it. "Did she beat him up?" I just smirked and Angelica looked surprised, "Really? She doesn't seem like the type." Bailey and I chuckled, "Oh trust she's the type. There was screaming but I didn't go back in." Angelica laughed, "Well alright then." We spent the next hour talking about how crazy the last 24 hours had been and Angelica got a call from her superiors who were sending someone to take care of the paperwork since she was laid up. They were going to try and take control of the case I'm sure but they had Val to deal with now. Val had come back in and told her us she had a list of people that the feds were sending teams to arrest and she was going to see it through. While we sat there Bailey got a phone call that she turned her back to us to answer. She was talking low but all I caught was, 'See you soon.' When she turned back around she was trying to pretend like we all didn't witness that call, "You're FBI contact?" I asked while she tried to hide her smile. She smirked and that was enough of a confirmation, "Time for me to get out of here." We were all laughing by now when Amy said, "And here I thought you were the one with all the women." She was looking up at me and I was in shock, I really didn't know how to answer that without it being awkward, fortunately Bailey took care of that for me, "Oh she is. I'm just having a good day." She walked past me and I pushed her shoulder, "Thanks for that B." She smiled as she walked away, "You're welcome." It wasn't long after that a nurse came into the room looking for Amy. Apparently she had to sign some paperwork regarding her dad. We had to decide what we wanted to do for a funeral, I asked if she wanted me to go with her but she said she was ok. So it was just Angelica and I sitting in the room together, "How's the wing?" She was asking about my arm and honestly through everything I hadn't really had a moment to think about it, but as I started to settle I was starting to feel it, "It hurts, you think I could borrow that drip?" She pressed the button again to get a little bit more and smiled, "Sorry, I'm hanging on to this myself." I rolled my eyes, "Ass." It was quiet but it wasn't awkward silence. "So tell me about your Amy?" She smiled at just the thought. It was nice to see her look calm and not so wrapped in her head, "She was my first love. Well my first real love. We dated for a couple years, but then work got in the way and I'm always traveling so I didn't think it was fair for her to have to deal with that." I shook my head, "What?" I put my feet up on the side of her bed, "You probably didn't give her much of a choice in the matter did you?" She was quiet and I knew I was right. I put my feet back on the floor and leaned forward. I grabbed her hand, "Ang, I don't know if she's the girl for you. But please make sure that you allow yourself to be loved." She laughed, "Oh stop being so sappy, like you broke my heart or something." I dropped her hand and put my feet back up, "Fine do whatever you want." She just smiled, as she looked up at the TV that was on, "Thanks Kel." We sat and watched TV for a little bit before Amy came back in, "Look who I found." It was my dad standing there looking pretty terrified, "Oh shit, Dad." I got up and went over to him. He hugged me squeezing harder than he should have, "Shit dad, that hurts." He let go quickly, "Oh my, I'm sorry." Then he slapped the good arm, "What the hell?" He grabbed my face, "That's for not calling me to tell me you got shot." Ya, that was probably a bad decision. "I'm sorry dad, I'm ok I promise." Amy came back over and sat down in the chair laughing with Angelica at me getting yelled at by my dad. "You two shut up." It was nice to see that it wasn't weird between them considering the situation. Angelica was right, I hadn't broken her heart or anything. Things were just getting started with us and I could tell that she truly understood that there just wasn't a choice when it came to Amy. "So when are they springing you out of this place?" My dad was asking Angelica. "It looks like I might get out of here tomorrow, but I need to take it easy so I'm not traveling for a while." He sat down in the chair on the other side of the bed, "Don't you have family at home that could take care of you?" She shook her head, "Not really, I figured I would just stay in the hotel. The FBI is paying for it anyway." I realized I really didn't know much about her life and it made me sad to think that she almost died and she wasn't going to have anyone to take care of her now. My dad seemed to be thinking the same thing because before I could say anything he did, "Absolutely not, you'll stay with me." She looked shocked, and I was a little shocked too. I knew my dad was going to try and help her but staying with him might be a little much. Ang said what I was thinking but would never have said out loud, "No I couldn't do that. That's too much." He stood up and leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Don't argue with me it's done." He walked out of the room and I knew that he was going to make sure that he had everything he needed to take care of her when she got out. "Kelly, he doesn't have to do that. I couldn't possibly." I shrugged, "It's out of my hands, don't argue with him." Amy stood up and I smiled at Angelica, "Get some rest, we'll see you tomorrow." Amy said goodbye and Angelica looked relieved as we left that she might actually get to relax. I took Amy's hand and we started our walk out of the hospital, "Come on babe, let's go home." 

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