Chapter Eight

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It had been a week and we still hadn't found anything. There weren't a lot of XTS's in the area but without any plates information we had no idea where it was from. Angelica did however go back to the rest of her agents on the case to go back and talk to people around the last crime scenes to see if anyone had seen the car so we could get some more information. So far nothing but we weren't losing hope. In the meantime I had been avoiding spending time alone with Angelica but she wasn't making it easy. Everytime we were close to each other, she would press herself up against me or run her hand alone my back. She was baiting me to react like she did before and I didn't know how long I could hold out. Her and Crow had run out of town for a couple days to see in person how everything was going so I at least had some time to breathe. Bailey was still being quiet and I had walked in on her and Crow whispering from time to time, if I didn't know any better I would have thought they were sleeping together. Bailey wouldn't give me an answer and I wasn't going to ask Crow but it was really starting to affect my friendship with her. I was currently sitting at the bar alone talking to my dad about it. "I don't know hunny, it does seem weird. Don't you guys tell each other everything?" I nodded, taking a sip of my drink, "That's why it's bothering me so much. She's hiding something from me but no matter how much I try she won't tell me about it." He kind of shrugged and poured us a couple of shots. "You guys are best friends, whatever it is I'm sure she will tell you soon. Just be patient." He said the last part with a bit of a laugh, knowing that patience was definitely not my best feature. "Ya I know, it just sucks." He went to serve a couple drinks and I sat there on my phone trying to decide what to do with the rest of my night. I was debating texting Angelica when I felt someone sit down next to me. I turned to see who it was because I knew that there were more than enough seats open that they didn't have to be sitting next to me. I turned expecting to see some annoying guy who wasn't going to stop talking to me. I was very wrong, it was a familiar face, one I wasn't expecting to see. "Hi Kel," she was smiling at me. "Christina," I said trying to hide my surprise. Christina was a girl I met two years ago. We had seen each other off for about a year but it had been almost a year since I had seen her. She was starting to want more out of the relationship and I couldn't give her what she wanted so I had put some distance between us and eventually she just stopped coming around. I felt bad about it because I knew that she was hurt by it but I definitely wasn't ready then. Christina was beautiful, long dark hair, her skin light brown and looked so smooth if I didn't know any better I would say she wasn't real. Her legs, man her legs, the ones that she just crossed in my direction. Puerto Rican Queen, and at the moment I was trying to remember why I stopped seeing her, "How are you?" I asked not being able to help looking at her legs. She smirked seeing me look, "I'm good, how are you?" I knew that I looked tired because I was, but decided not to get into it. "I'm good. Been a long time." I was trying not to make it awkward but she wasn't going to be so nice. "Ya since you pretty much ghosted me right. What's it been a year?" Shit. I needed to get out of here or at the very least change the subject. "So what have you been up to?" She reached over and put her finger to my lip to quiet me and leaned forward to whisper in my ear, "You don't care what I've been up to and I don't care what you've been up to. Right now all I care about is that you take me home." She said that as her hand slid down my shoulder. This would probably be a worse idea than hooking up with Angelica but she was in front of me and I was looking for something to distract me and well... this was a distraction.

We crashed through her apartment door. We came very close to not making it out of the elevator. I kicked the door closed as my hands slid under her shirt and pulled it over her head. She kicked off her shoes in opposite directions as I pushed her up against the wall. With one hand I pinned her hands above her head as I kissed her neck, my other hand sliding down her body and stopping between her legs. I pressed my hand against her over top of her jeans and felt the moan in her throat against my lips. Her back arched as she tried to gain some friction against me. I kissed her again, the kiss was fevered and her hands and mine roaming each others bodies at a fast pace. She tore my shirt over my head and undid my pants. I spun her around and backed her towards the bedroom. We turned down the hallway I kicked off my shoes as we finally made it to her bedroom door. I broke the kiss and pushed her back until her legs were pressed against the side of the bed. I undid her pants and pulled them down, running my tongue down her stomach and along her thighs until I had them off. While I did that she had taken off her bra. As I stood back up I pushed her back on the bed and took off my pants. I started to crawl up her as she slid back on the bed. I hovered over her body and pressed my leg between hers. She leaned up and tried to kiss me and I pulled back, she looked disappointed but I put my hand on her chin and tilted her head to the side granting me access to her neck. I sucked on her earlobe and she bucked her body up to meet my leg. As I rhythmically ground against her I could feel her body was reacting and it just spurred me on. I moved my leg and she almost whimpered as she felt the loss of pressure. I took one finger and ran it along her collarbone and down her stomach until I reached the waistline of her underwear and dipped it inside. As I moved closer to her center I felt her breath catch. I touched her slightly and I could feel how wet she was. "Mmmmm," I hummed at the touch. I pulled my hand out and pulled her underwear off I leaned back over her and my hand was between her legs again. Without hesitation I was inside her. I kissed her as she moaned into my mouth and my fingers moved in and out of her. She wrapped her hand around the back of my neck as she pulled me into a deeper kiss. I tried to pull away and she took my bottom lip between her teeth. She pulled just enough that I felt it and it spurred me to move deeper inside her. She wrapped her legs around me which pulled me closer to her. She moved from our kiss and her lips were too my ear. "Harder," she breathed out and so I did. I thrust harder and faster while I curled my fingers upwards as I pulled back. Her back arched as she grinded into my hand. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close dragging her nails down my back. I kissed her neck as her head tilted back, her mouth open, her breath caught with each thrust inside her. I felt her tighten around my fingers, "Fuck, I'm so close. Don't stop." With the last few movements she came undone under me. I rolled off her and took a deep breath, I hadn't noticed I'd been holding it, while she laid there and tried to catch hers. "Man I missed you," she breathed out. I laughed a little, "Oh I'm sure you replaced me a long time ago Chris." She rolled onto her side and leaned on her elbow, "Well did you expect me to wait around for you?" I was staring up at the ceiling and I knew where this was going and I didn't want to have it. Why these women were coming out of the woodwork now I didn't know. "Nope, I didn't," I heard a sigh beside me but I didn't look. "You're so cold Kel." That should have hurt but it wasn't the first time I'd heard it. I sat up and got up to find my clothes. "Oh come on, don't go," she said probably wishing that she hadn't just called me cold. "Well I need to put my clothes on, cause I'm cold," she rolled her eyes and slumped back down on her back. "Come on Kel, just stay. It's one night," I pulled my shirt over my head, "Chris, you know I don't do that." She did know, in the entirety we were seeing each other we never spent the night together. The truth is that no matter how many girls or how many dates I hadn't slept next to anyone since Amy. I couldn't bring myself to cuddle someone else the way I cuddled her. "Sorry Chris, it was nice to see you," I said as I stood at the bedroom door. "I'll let myself out," and that was it I was out the door almost as fast as I came in. I'm sure I look like a complete ass but I really couldn't bring myself to have that level of comfort with anyone. After I got home and got into bed I laid there staring up at my ceiling, and I couldn't think of anything but Amy. After all these years she still came to me in my dreams, she was still the only person I thought about for longer than a couple hours at a time. I missed the way she would make me warm up her side of the bed for her before she got in. I miss the way in the middle of the night she would unconsciously grab me and pull me closer while she slept. I miss waking up to her all scrutchy in the morning because she would hate that I would wake her up, but when I left her alone she would roll over and poke me while still pretending to be asleep. I rolled onto my side and with a sigh I went to sleep. I knew that tonight would be filled with her, it was nights like this that I hoped for, while I slept I wasn't in this bed alone.

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