Chapter Eighteen

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"How did you miss him leaving? How did you not see him packing up his entire house!?" Angelica was yelling on the phone, at who I assume were the people supposed to be watching Justin, and she was not happy. "Well you better figure it out or you're going to be out of a job." Yep she definitely wasn't happy. She walked over to Bailey and I who were leaning on the front of the car. The techs had been in and out of the house and I wasn't expecting them to find anything since the place was pretty cleaned out. "I'm going to kill them if they don't figure out what happened." I smiled at her because I knew she was angry with them but I also knew that part of it was because of how upset she knew I was. "Thanks Ang," it kind of just came out, but it put a smile on her face and even though I never intended to but I was starting to get more comfortable with her. I was staring at the house trying to figure out where to go from here when I had a thought. "I'll be right back," I said walking towards the house. "Are you sure you don't," I cut Bailey off, "Just a minute." They didn't follow but I went in and went upstairs. This wasn't Amy's house but I figured if she had been here and if she was trying to contact me then maybe I still knew her. Maybe we did still have a connection. I went into the bedrooms and into the closets. It was a running joke for us, the whole 'Coming out of the closet thing', so we used to leave each other notes in each other's closet when we were younger. There were three bedrooms and there was nothing in the first two. I went into the last one, hoping that I was right. I mean I had to be right? The room was empty but in the back of the closet there was a sheet hanging. I would give the tech's shit later for not taking it but when I pulled it down there was a note pinned to the back of the closet. I pulled it down and opened it up.

Hey Babe,

I knew you would find this. I'm sure you are probably freaking out about all this. I wish there was time to explain everything but it would be so much easier in person. If I know you, which I think I do, you are currently doubting everything we had. Don't be stupid. You know how much I loved you, how much I love you, and I promise one day I will make all this up to you. Remember no matter where we are, how far apart, there is always one thing that connects us.

Yours Always

I don't know how long I had been standing there but I had to imagine it was a long time because Angelica and Bailey were standing in the doorway. "What did she say?" Bailey asked. I walked past them in the doorway and handed her the letter on the way out. I could hear them quickly coming up behind me, "What does she mean?" It was Angelica asking now. I got to the drivers door of the car when I stopped, "What?" She was getting into the passenger side which left Bailey in the back. I was waiting for her to complain since it was her car but she just tossed me the keys. I got in and started the car, "The one thing that always connects you. Is she trying to send you a message?" I shook my head, "No, it's just something we used to say. It's private." She looked like she wanted to press the issue but I felt Bailey's hand come up and land on her shoulder. I looked up in the rear view as we drove away and Bailey just nodded. She knew that this wasn't easy, but she also knew I was lying. We went back to the hotel and Bailey went home probably to shower and take a nap since none of us had slept. We were walking to the elevator when Angelica started talking again, "Do you want me to come up?" I wasn't sure if she wanted to comfort me or she didn't trust me but either way I needed to be alone, "I appreciate it, but I need some rest, I'll catch you in the morning." She got out of the elevator first. When I got to my room the door looked like it was slightly open. I pulled my gun and pushed it open. When I stepped inside I felt like my knees were going to buckle from under me. She turned around and looked at me, "So what you're going to shoot me now?"

I just stood there staring at her. Even after seeing the picture and reading the note I wasn't sure that I actually believed it. I put my hand down at my side and I wanted to run to her, I wanted to pick her up and spin her around and never let go. And then I remembered what was happening and I put my gun back up on her. "What are you doing here?" I mean for all I knew she was behind all of this, or was connected to it in some way. "Come on baby," she said and started walking towards me. "Stop," I said, still pointing the gun at her. "Do you really think I could hurt all those people?" She was still walking towards me slowly. I didn't think she could but I didn't think she could lie to me for almost ten years. "What do you want me to think Am? Where the fuck have you been? How could you let me believe you were dead?" Which were only a couple of the questions I wanted to ask her. She kept moving towards me until she was right in front of me. She put her hand on mine and lowered the gun. I put it down on the side table next to me as she stood right in front of me. I could feel her breath on my face, I could smell her hair, and she was smiling at me. She put her hand on my face and I instinctively reached up to grab her wrist. She didn't look startled by my movements and just kept moving forward. She put her other arm around my shoulder and started playing with the hair on the back of my neck. "Amy," I whispered as my strength started to fall, I leaned into her hand, I had missed her touch so much. She leaned a little closer and pressed her forward to mine, "I need you." It was all she said but we both knew that we weren't going to stop. I leaned my head up and our noses brushed against each other and we both leaned in. Our lips touched for the first time in a lifetime and it was like we had never been a part. It started so gentle and soft, but after all this time we were still so in sync with each other. I suddenly felt moisture on my lip and I pulled back slightly to look at her. There was a trail where the tear had fallen down her face and I realized in that moment that I definitely had no idea what was going on, but in this moment all I cared about was her. I reached up and wiped her tear away with my thumb. I didn't have to say anything, I just wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around me and our lips came crashing back together. I spun around and laid her down on the bed. I stood there for a moment staring at her and she just smiled at me. I crawled over her and kissed her softly, but she had other things in mind. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me close to her. She bit on my ear lobe and growled, "Come on baby, you know what I want." If it wasn't such a crazy moment I probably would have laughed, it was something she used to say was so ridiculous when women would say shit like that in movies. "You just know a man wrote that shit," is what she used to say. I started kissing her neck as I straddled her, I pulled her up to a sitting position and pulled her shirt over her head. I continued to kiss her neck and top of her chest as I reached around and undid her bra. I pulled it off and tossed it to the other side of the room. She ripped my shirt over my head and did the same with my bra. After all this time she wasn't holding back. She flipped me over and tore down my jeans and underwear together. She stood up at the side of the bed and took off her own pants before climbing back into the bed. She started kissing up my legs while her hands wandered up my thighs. I put my hands on hers and she ran them further up my body as her head came to a stop between my legs. My legs instinctively spread for her, I was ready to let myself go for just a few moments. When her tongue touched me, my whole body reacted. She was hard and deliberate as her hands ran up and down my stomach. I had my hand in her hair and started moving my body towards her. It was then she slid her fingers inside me. My entire body started to tense, I was so close as she continued. "Fuck, baby," I felt her mouth vibrate as she moaned into me. My other hand was tearing into the sheets on the bed. It only took another moment before I was exploding and she kept going like she was trying to kill me. I closed my legs and grabbed on to her, "Jesus woman are you trying to kill me?" She looked up at me with a smirk on her face as she started to crawl back up to me. She kissed me and I smiled into her lips. I wrapped my arms around her holding her tight as our lips continued to dance together. My tongue lightly slid into her mouth and she bit my bottom lip. "Sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you," she said about the bite. I rolled my eyes and then rolled her over. She laughed and I couldn't help but stop for a second to enjoy the sound. I hovered over her again as my hand moved down her body between her legs. I touched her and smiled, "I see nothing's changed." She pushed my chest as if she was trying to push me away. I always joked that no one could turn her on the way that I could and considering how wet she currently was it was nice to know I still had that effect. "Shut up and fuck me already," she said grabbing my hand and putting back between her legs. I moved my fingers inside her and she instantly pulled me down on top of her. Her nails were digging into my back as I moved in and out of her at a hard rapid pace. Our bodies were so close I could barely tell where I ended and she began. She wrapped her leg around me pulling me deeper inside her but slowed our pace. My face in her shoulder, kissing her, breathing in her ear. I felt her teeth in my shoulder as she held me tight. Our bodies moved slowly but in sync, her arms loosened slightly and I leaned up to look at her. When our eyes met or did our lips, it wasn't a long kiss but it was like we were having a conversation with just that kiss. We stayed right there as our lips were barely touching as her back arched and she came. Her body laid back and mine fell on top of hers. My head on her chest as I listened to her rapid heart beat. She lightly ran her fingers down my back and I didn't want this moment to end. We shifted to lay properly on the bed and got under the blankets. This time she crawled onto my chest and wrapped her legs with mine. My arms wrapped around her and I kissed the top of her head. This moment would end but for right now I was going to take what I could get. We both held each other so tight I thought I might suffocate but I didn't care. Having her in my arms right now I felt like for the first time since I lost her I was relaxed and I was exhausted. I took a deep breath and whispered. "I love you," before passing out.

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