Chapter Twenty One

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She was standing there with my phone in her hand and now she looked shocked, "Well, I.." I got out of bed and reached for a pair of sweatpants. I ripped my phone out of her hand and it was locked. As far as I could tell she hadn't gotten in, I was glad that it was a password that no one would ever guess. "Kelly, I was just trying to," I put my hand up to stop her. "Angelica, there is no possible reason why you would have my phone in your hand." She looked embarrassed but the things that were going through my head now weren't things I ever wanted to be thinking, "Are you working for them?" She answered quickly this time, "What? Of course not. Do you really think that of me?" I was trying hard not to start throwing things because I was so angry. "I didn't but I don't know what to think anymore." She tried to walk closer to me, "Stop." She put her hands up, "Ok, ok. Kel, I swear it's not what you think, but I know you've been in contact with Amy." I probably shouldn't be surprised that she knew but right now I didn't know what to think about any of this. "And that gives you the right to go through my phone?" She sat down on the edge of the bed, "I had to know if I was right. I didn't think you would risk the case for a girl." I took offence to her comment since it was so much more complicated than that. "Are you fucking kidding. A girl. Like she's just some random girl I'm sleeping with," I looked at her deliberately trying to say 'like you'. She wasn't just a random, or at least I didn't think so but I was angry. "So you are talking to her?" I just stared at her, she really did have some balls, "Seriously. Get out." Obviously I was lying to her but how dare she. "I'm doing my job Kelly. You do remember I'm FBI?" I was really angry and I was afraid I was going to say something that would cause me more trouble than good. I walked over to the door and opened it, "Alright Miss FBI, get out!." She started walking past me and stopped to look at me, "You're making a mistake." I just turned my head and shut the door behind her. I didn't really know what to do, I didn't know what to think of the situation. Was she telling me the truth, was she just trying to find out if I was talking to Amy? Was she just doing her job? Was she working for whoever was killing these people? My head was ready to explode. I should call Bailey or the Captain or someone. Instead I locked the door, walked over to the bed and fell in. Whatever the hell was going on, it was going to wait until tomorrow.

"What do you mean she was in your phone?" I was looking across a table at Bailey while we had breakfast. I had just explained what happened the night before and she was yelling, "Will you quiet down." The people in the restaurant were looking, which was definitely the last thing I needed. "Exactly what I said B. She was in my phone. She didn't get in but she was trying to." She put her hand on her head, "I told you that you shouldn't sleep with this girl. Just couldn't control yourself could you?" I threw a tater tot at her to get her attention, "Shut up, my lack of self control isn't the question here. Do we think she's dirty?" She kept eating but I really didn't have an appetite, "I don't know, you know her better than I do." She was smirking and I wanted to punch her, "I don't know. I didn't think so but now I'm thinking she's been playing me from the beginning." She stopped and looked concerned, "I don't like the girl but I mean come on, you think that's a killer?" I put my head in both my hands and just wanted to bang my head on the table. "I don't know, but we need to find out. Can you call your contact with the FBI to see if we can get some background on her?" She shook her head no, "I'm not calling her, you know it didn't end well." I stabbed my fork in one of the sausages on her plate, "I don't care, call her." She wasn't happy but she knew I was right. She called and I tried to eat my breakfast. "Ok thanks," she was saying as she hung up. I wasn't really paying attention to the beginning of the conversation but from the look on Bailey's face she was going to make me pay. "Soooo, how is she?" I asked with a laugh. "You're an ass and she's looking into it, but she's pissed." The waitress came and dropped our bill and Bailey just looked at me, "You're paying." I rolled my eyes and grabbed it, "Ya ya, it's not my fault that you didn't call her back." She stood up and drank the rest of her coffee,  "Let's go." I tossed some cash on the table and we headed to the car.

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