Chapter Twenty Four

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I left the precinct around 7 and Angelica was right behind me. When I got to my room the keys to another room in the hotel were waiting for me. I had called my friend who worked at the hotel to do me a favour. She booked another room under a fake name and I paid cash so there would be no record of it. It was hard to tell her what it was for since she would likely want to stop in to see me. Maybe friends weren't exactly what we were, but she did it anyway, after I told her that it was for sensitive police business. It was technically a lie but it did have something to do with a case. I sent the text.


It was a few floors above mine and Angelica was on 8 so she wouldn't likely run into her. Plus since Amy had come and gone from the hotel without anyone seeing her the last time she came to my room I figured she had a way in I didn't know about. I headed up but decided to take the stairs just in case. She didn't text back but I knew she would show so I got to the room and laid down to watch some tv until she got there. It was 9 on the dot when there was a knock at the door, I was still a little worried about Angelica so I looked first just in case. When I opened the door the smile on her face took away all my worries. "We really have to stop meeting in hotel rooms," she said as she walked in and sat down on the bed. After all this time she still had a confidence about her that I couldn't help but smile at. I shut the door behind her, "No bed, we have to talk." She tilted her head, "Really?" I rolled my eyes, "First, we have to talk first." She just smiled and laid back on the bed, part of me wondered if she was even sleeping in a bed at this point, but for now we needed answers if we were going to put an end to this. "What do you want to know?" She asked sitting up to look at me. "How about we start at the beginning." She put her head in her hands and took a deep breath. I went and sat down next to her and put my hand on her leg, "Please."

"After I said bye to you and left the apartment I made the drive back here. When I got about half way there were cars in the middle of the road so I had to stop. My dad jumped out of one of the cars and made me go with him. I didn't know what was going on but we drove away and left the other car and my car sitting there. I swear I almost jumped out of the car a couple of times while it was moving because I just wanted to be able to get to you. For a while my dad wouldn't tell me what was going on, but when we got a couple hours away we stopped and went into this house. Once we were alone my dad told me that he got mixed up with some bad people and now they were after him and were threatening my life. The only way to protect me was to pretend I was dead."

She paused and I was already confused, "What was he doing? Why is your dad still alive? It's not like he's been in hiding." She continued.

"He had asked me to do some computer work for him on some business he was working on. I didn't think anything of it but it turns out that he had me working on something for these people he was working with. When they found out that I had seen information on their accounts I was a threat. He was in hiding for a while but once I was 'dead' they stopped going after him. He was linked to the criminal activity so they knew they could trust him not to go to the cops, plus he had put in a fail safe that said if anything happened to him that all the information he did have would go to the cops. They were wrong, dad knew that we could never survive on the run, so he made a deal with the FBI. I stay dead and he keeps doing the shitty things he was doing so that the FBI can build a case. The problem was that somehow no matter what he was doing the FBI didn't ever have enough info. Things went missing, when the FBI raided some places they were already gone. They started to blame dad, saying that he was lying because things weren't panning out. I got real tired of waiting so I started looking into things myself, trying to figure out if my dad was just that bad of a person or if he was being played. I started to think that the FBI was in on it but I couldn't prove it and then the killing started."

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