Chapter Five

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I crawled out of the drivers door and crouched behind the car. Angelica was stuck in the car as one of the bullets hit the window and blew it out. "Climb out this way," I yelled and heard her agree. "On three, one, two, three."  I could see the gun peaking out the front window so I leaned over the hood and fired off a few shots to give her time to get out. She was sitting on the ground next to me her gun drawn and she looked pissed. Well truth she looked sexy but still pissed. "Who the fuck is firing at us?" She asked as I radioed for back up. I was thinking the same thing and looked around to see if there was a way for me to get a better vantage point. "Cover me," I said as I got ready to run,  Splitting his focus was our only play right. She nodded and started firing as I ran around to the side of the house. I wasn't sure if he saw me or if there was anyone else in the house but I was determined to get this guy. I could hear Angelica still laying down some shots but I hadn't heard anything coming from inside for a while. I went around to the back of the house and saw that the back door was wide open. Was he out here? I started looking around but the backyard led into the bush and chances are he ran straight in there because I no longer heard anything coming from in the house and Angelica had stopped firing. Sirens pulled up just then and Bailey and Crow came running around the back looking freaked out. "Holy shit Mc, you ok?" She stopped right in front of me and I could tell she wanted to hug me but wasn't sure if that was professional infront of our FBI visitors. "Come here jackass," I grabbed here and gave her a quick hug as Angelica came into the back yard. "B, I'm ok really," I said quietly. She pulled back when she heard her footsteps. Bailey and I have been close for so long that the idea of losing one another was truly terrifying. She was going to try and put a brave face on right now but I could see her real fear and the truth is I would have been no different if the situations were reversed. "Ok, so who the fuck was firing at us," Angelica said breaking me out of my thought process. "Well I don't imagine it was the restaurant owner," Bailey said. A voice came from the back porch, "No definitely not him." It was Crow, he had wandered into the house when we weren't paying attention. We just looked at him waiting for an answer, he didn't say anything else just waived us into the house. When we walked in we saw how he came to that conclusion, on the floor in the living room was the owner very much dead. "One gunshot to the head. Small caliber," Bailey said as she crouched over the body. Angelica was looking through the paperwork on the table. There were bullet holes in the couch from where we returned fire and some scattered across the walls behind it. I was looking around the room for anything that jumped out at me. I wasn't even sure what I was looking when I saw it, "Is that blood?" I pointed at one of the tech's that were now in the process of collecting all the evidence. "Make sure you get that," I pointed to the area just by the leg of the couch. "Nice catch," Angelica said as she walked behind me and brushed up against me. "Mc, did you see this?" I didn't know what she was talking about until I turned around. The body was in the same position as the others, "What is with this guy?" I said kind of frustrated. The familiarity of it was still really bothering me and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't figure out what it was. "Well we know it's the same guy," Angelica said as she continued to look through the bookshelf. "I know Mc, it's really starting to bother me too. Do you think it's a case we worked on?" I couldn't be sure of anything so I just shrugged. "I don't know but I feel like it's the key to all this," Bailey could tell this was eating at me but I couldn't let it change the way I did my job. "I'm going to head upstairs," I said walking towards the staircase. "I'll come," Angelica said following behind me. I could hear a low, "Pfft," behind us. I didn't turn around but just yelled, "Shut up." Angelica was laughing behind me. We got up the stairs and found two rooms and a bathroom down a hallway. The master bedroom was a mess and the office had papers all over the floor and the drawers of the desk were pulled out. Someone was definitely looking for something so that was the first place I went. Angelica came in the door behind me, "Well now that was fun." I imagine she was saying it response to Bailey, "Ignore her, she just thinks she knows me." I hadn't turned around I was looking through some papers that were thrown all over the desk. I felt her come up behind me, she pressed herself up against my back and whispered in my ear, "And what is it that she thinks she knows?" The hair on the back of my neck rose and I had to compose myself, but I could tell that this wasn't going to end. She was clearly going to keep pushing me. I turned around and we were standing face to face. She was still so close to me I could feel the heat coming off her body. I was leaning back on my hands on the desk behind me. I didn't want to touch her because I was afraid if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself, but I definitely couldn't let her keep having the upper hand. I put one hand on her hip and ran it up her side. I pulled her a little closer to me and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "She thinks," I hesitated while I put my other hand on her other hip. "That," I stopped again I could feel her body rest into mine and took the chance to get the upper hand. I spun her around pressing her up against the desk. My hands were now on the desk behind her and I pressed my thigh between her legs. "She think that I won't be able to stay away from you." I was breathing on her neck, my nose brushing up against her ear. I heard a soft moan and I knew that I had her, right where I wanted her, and boy did I want her. I pressed my thigh to her one more time before quickly pulling away and walking to the other side of the room, "She's wrong though." I said with a little bit of a laugh and I swear she growled at the loss. "Oh is that the game we're playing Detective?" I shrugged, "You started it Special Agent." I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs so the game was definitely over for the time being. Bailey and Crow were standing in the doorway and Angelica tried her best to turn to look at the papers on the desk and not look flustered but by the smile on Bailey's face she didn't do a good job. "Find anything?" She asked through her smirk. "Nothing yet," I said pretty deadpanned. "Why don't you guys check the bedroom." I nodded down the hallway. When the left the room I felt her behind me again, "Game on McMaster." This was definitely going to get more interesting but at the moment we had to do our jobs. We still had a ton of murders to solve including the one that took place down stairs. The next little bit we just kind of searched in silence I figured Bailey and Crow weren't talking much either in the other room until I started to hear voices and they didn't seem happy. Angelica was intently reading something so I went to check it out. As I got closer I could tell I was right they were definitely arguing. As I came around the corner I could hear Bailey and I knew it wasn't a good sign for Crow, "Are you a complete moron? Or is it just a part time thing?" I leaned against the doorway before saying anything, we hadn't really heard much out of Crow and I was curious to see if he would fight back. Surprisingly he did. "Will you relax, it's not that big a deal." I didn't know what they were talking about but Bailey definitely disagreed with him. "NOT THAT BIG A DEAL, yep I was right you're a complete moron." I started laughing at the door and they both turned to look at me. "Hi guys, what's up?" I said with a laugh as Angelica appeared in the doorway next to me. She must have heard the voices getting louder and came to find out what was happening. They were both just staring at us in the doorway like they didn't know what to say. "Apparently they've gone mute," Angelica said as we both kept looking at them with a question on our face. Bailey just huffed and blew passed us, "Ask him." It was unlike her to blow me off like that but I could tell Crow was under her skin so I decided I would bug her about it later. Angelica didn't seem pleased with Crow though, she was staring at him looking for an answer and he just put his head down and mumbled. "It's nothing." Ok that was definitely strange but before I could ask Angelica about it she interrupted my thoughts, "So take a look at this." She was holding a flyer I looked over at it and didn't really know why she was showing it to me, "What am I looking at?" It was for a restaurant that I didn't recognize and as I read down to the bottom I realized it wasn't even in town. "Do you know this place?" I asked before she answered the first question. "Mhm, and so do you. It's where the first shooting was." I looked at it again and it clicked. I took the paper from her to get a better look and right down in the bottom corner was one word written in pen. 'Bruce' I pointed it out to Angelica and it didn't seem to mean anything to her, but maybe it's connected to all this. "Did you find anything else in there?" She shook her head, "No but I don't know if the nut job that was shooting at us took anything." My guess was that he did. "His kills are clean this place is a disaster. Either he was in a big rush or he didn't know want us to know what he was looking for." She agreed and we headed back downstairs, we would like the crime lab take care of the rest of the evidence. Hopefully he left something we can use since it seems like we surprised him before he could leave. When we got down stairs Bailey had already left, which bothered me, clearly whatever they were arguing about was real. Angelica and I decided to leave and Crow was going to stay and supervise the crime scene. As we walked towards my bullet riddled car I decided to text Bailey.

"What's the issue B?"

I got an answer almost right away.

B: "Nothing."

I clearly wasn't buying that.

"B, come on. What's going on?"

B: "Nothing Mc, we'll talk about it later."

I got into the drivers seat looking into a windshield with holes in and I was trying to figure out what in the world Crow could have done to piss her off so badly. I was still looking at the message on my phone when Angelica asked if I was ok. It shook me out of my thoughts. "Ya I'm alright, but something definitely happened between Bailey and Crow." She didn't say much but as she held her phone in her hand and got a text it told me that she possibly knew whatever it was that was going on. I didn't ask but I damn sure was ready to find out.

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