Chapter Thirty One

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We had been at the safehouse for a couple of hours and hadn't heard anything. As far as anyone would know it was Amy and I there with Bailey and Angelica. That was a pretty standard detail for something like this. Little did anyone know that we had 10 other people scattered around the house. There were officers taking shifts in the upstairs rooms looking out the windows, two sitting with eyes on the back and front doors.  Amy and I were in the living room that was set a little further back from the front door and windows and Bailey and Angelica bounced between all the posts checking in on everyone. We had earwigs in so we could communicate throughout the floors thanks to Angelica and the FBI. We sat on the couch staring at the blank tv wondering when this would be over. She was sitting sideways towards me and was playing with my fingers mindlessly. "Kel," she said almost as a question. I had just been watching our hands and I think I was in a trance when I heard her. "Am," I responded as I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the top of it. "This is going to work right?" It was the first time that I saw a little bit of fear in her eyes. Since she came back into my life she had been so strong. I know I had shown her that same strength but this was the first time I was seeing true worry in her eyes. "We've got this. Together." I leaned in and gave her a kiss. We started to get carried away as her hand went onto the back of my neck and she half way pulled me on top of her. It was then that I heard someone clearing their throat. When I looked up Angelica was standing in front of us, "Just wanted to update you that we haven't heard anything. Did your Captain message you at all, to say that this had worked?" I shook my head, "No nothing, but I also left a piece of paper kind of halfway buried on my desk in case someone decided to search through it." She just nodded and walked away. I went to go say something to Amy when Bailey popped up behind us and scared the shit out of me. "Good job dumbass." I looked at Amy and she knew without me saying anything, "Go." I stood up and kissed the top of her head. I looked at Bailey, "Go, I got her."

I walked into the kitchen and Angelica was leaning in the doorway, she had a clear view of everything from where she was standing but she didn't look like she was seeing anything. I went and leaned against the doorway across from her. "Angelica," I wasn't sure I even knew what to say but I needed to say something to her. She put her hand up, "Don't Kelly, I get it. It's not like we were together and even if we were, it's Amy." I put my head down trying to find the right words. "It is Amy, but that's not the point and no we weren't together but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck." We may have just been hooking up but there was something about what was happening that we both knew was starting to feel a little more than that. We had some moments that were emotional and maybe if all this hadn't happened we could have tried to date. "It's just weird watching you guys together. You're.." she paused and I wasn't sure what she was going to say. "Different... happy." I couldn't help but smile. That even in a time that was scary and dangerous just the thought of Amy made me smile. "I know. I just wanted you to know that I felt it too. Maybe in another life." She chuckled, "Maybe in another life. You know Kel," I looked up and our eyes met. "Everyone has an Amy, even me." I didn't really know what she meant, we hadn't talked much about her past or other people in her life. It was clear though that there used to be someone in her life that she felt strongly about that she no longer had. I leaned in and kissed her cheek and whispered to her, "It's my loss." I walked back to Amy and I knew that I hadn't done anything to intentionally hurt her but I meant what I said it would be my loss. I got back to Amy and Bailey was sitting there talking her ear off, "Are you trying to give her a headache?" She scoffed, got up and went to check on the upstairs posts. I was still kind of lost in my thoughts when Amy broke me out of it, "You ok?" I turned to her and smiled, "Ya babe, all good."

We sat there for another hour and I was really starting to get antsy. Could I have been wrong? I was sure this was going to work. I knew that I had to be patient, whoever was making this call was going to make sure things were clear before they came in. Taking out a bunch of people in a restaurant that weren't expecting it was one thing but taking out a house full of trained cops was something else. Bailey and I had exchanged glances over the course of the last hour and I could tell she was concerned too but was putting on a good face for me. I took a deep breath and then I heard it. I didn't know what it was but I heard a noise outside, "Did you hear that? Anyone see anything out there?" I asked over the coms. I went to the front window and looked out but didn't see anything, "Hello, anyone have eyes out there?" I got all clears from all but one, "There are four guys walking down the middle of the street to the east with assault rifles." I ran to the side window to see if I could get a view of what they were seeing when someone else spoke up, "We've got another 2 guys coming from the west." It was time, and these guys weren't playing anymore. They weren't trying to hide it and this was going to get ugly really quick. "Get into the back," I said to Amy and she looked like she was going to argue with me, "Get in the back Am. Now." We had picked this house because it had a built in panic room and I knew I could definitely keep her safe. She went, reluctantly but now I could concentrate without worrying. "Alright everyone this is it. When they get close, take your shots. As soon as the first shot is fired you know what's coming." Bailey and Angelica were watching the back, and me and a second officer were on the front door. Hopefully they wouldn't even get in the door, our shooters upstairs were good, but if they did we were ready. Then I heard the first shot, and then another, and then the bullets came flying. There was glass everywhere and I had taken a perch behind the couch and I had an angle at the door if someone came in. There was a lot of commotion going on in my ear and it sounded like someone upstairs had been hit, "You've got three coming in the front." I barely heard it before the front door crashed open and in came three guys that just started spraying bullets. I was low enough to the ground and they hadn't seen me before they started shooting so when they took a moment to look I popped up and fired off 10 rounds. John, the other officer down here with me must have had the same idea because I saw his head pop up when mine did. I was able to take down one shooter and John had tagged the other. He took a round to the vest though in the process. The third shooter dove out of the way and was now on the ground behind a table on the other side of the room. The firing was still going on upstairs and I heard some noise coming from the back of the house too. I slowly made my way around the side of the couch and he was standing right in front of me. I tried to get a shot off quickly but he knocked me to the ground and my gun when flying. He should have just shot me but lucky for me he didn't, he tried to pick me up off the ground and while he did that I kicked his knee out from under him. "You bitch," he got his footing again this time he was ready to shoot me but I had moved out of the way and ducked behind an end table. I could see my gun from where I was. It was only a foot from me but I had to make the movement quick because he was going to see me when I did. I dove for it and turned my body around towards where he was, we both fired at the same time and I felt a burning pain in my shoulder. He had hit me and I for a moment I thought this was it, he was going to end this now, but when I looked up I could see that I managed to hit him center mass and he was bleeding from his abdomen. He tried to catch his bearings but was having a hard time. He was about to re-aim his gun when I heard another shot and watched him hit the ground. From where I was he was laying on the floor looking at me and he had taken a bullet between the eyes. I was laying on my back holding on to my shoulder when a head came over the back of the couch. I pointed my gun and almost pulled the trigger, "Whoa whoa whoa, Mc, it's me." Bailey was above me smiling, "Why do I always have to save your ass." She hopped over the couch and helped pull me up, "You ok?" I waived her off, the shooting had seemed to stop from upstairs, "Everyone ok?" We had a couple guys hit but it seemed like I had gotten the worst of it. Then I realized I hadn't heard a voice, "Angelica?" No answer, "B, where's Angelica?" She was over checking on John who was shaken but sitting up. She looked over at me, "We took out two guys in the back, she was there when I came up here." I went back into the kitchen, "Ang..." I was calling her name when my voice got stuck in my throat. In front of me was Angelica and Crow and he had a gun pointed at her head. I instinctively pointed my gun at her, "Crow put it down." He just laughed, "Oh you think you're in control of this situation do you? Put your gun down." I was still pointing it at him, while I looked at Angelica trying to see if I could read her eyes. I needed to know if she thought we could get control of this situation. I moved out of the doorway so I was facing them across the table. "You know I won't do that Crow," I wanted to put a bullet right between his eyes but I didn't have a good shot. He was doing a good job of using her as a shield. "Put it down Kelly or I will end her, and I know you don't want me to do that to your lover." Angelica pursed her lips annoyed, she was ready to kill him with her bare hands if we could find the right leverage. I slowly started to lower my gun, I knew this was a bad idea but he was right I wasn't going to let him kill her. "Put it on the table and push it this way." I did what he asked and I was really hoping that Bailey was going to come back here thinking I got lost. "Crow, come on you can't possibly think you're going to get out of here alive? What was your plan? It's a house full of cops." That probably wasn't the right thing to say because it angered him and I could tell her tightened his grip on her, "Oh great Kel, first you fuck me over and now you're going to get me killed. Thanks." At first I was hurt a little, since we had just talked I thought we were good. Then I looked in her eyes again and understood what she was trying to do. "What the hell are you talking about? You were the one that came after me, I told you I wasn't available." She scoffed and raised her hands a bit, "Oh that's right Kelly McMaster never available. I should have listened to the rumours." This was getting a little personal since it was likely there were rumours she heard about me but I was doing my best not to it to heart. It worked though because he was distracted, "ENOUGH." He was yelling and that really should have been enough to get the attention of anyone else in the house. "I don't care about your stupid lesbian drama ok. Date men you'll have less pms." That was the moment, he had raised one of his hands to his head frustrated and Angelica used the space to push him away. She reached for my gun on the table but before she could fire three shots went off. Two of them went into Crow from the doorway and the other hit Angelica square in the chest. I glanced towards the doorway as I ran to the other side of the table to make sure that Crow was down and check on Angelica. I was expecting to see Bailey instead I was looking at Amy, still holding the gun pointing in our direction. She lowered it and said, "Aren't you glad I convinced you to give me one of these." She tossed it on the table and came over to me. The blood was pouring out of my arm but I didn't care. "B, OFFICER DOWN. OFFICER DOWN." With all the commotion on the sheet it was no surprise that there were more officers as well as ambulances on the scene already. I had a feeling that Val had something to do with that too. EMS came through and pushed me out of the way and I watched helplessly as Angelica was loaded onto a gurney. As I stood there with Amy holding my arm and as I watched another team do the came to Crow trying to save his life. I exhaled, we survived tonight but unless Crow survives there's no chance that this is over.

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