Chapter Twenty Nine

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When we got to work we went and Angelica got to work to get us a safe house to lure these people to. Bailey put out some feelers to some officers that aren't connected to our precinct so we could get some backup that we knew we could trust. Which meant that I was left with the joy of talking to the Captain and keeping her in the loop. Bailey came over to me as I was getting ready to walk over to Cap's office and stopped me, "Are you sure?" With everything going on we really didn't know who we could and couldn't trust, but I've known her long

enough and we've been close enough that I didn't believe that she was capable of this kind of betrayal. I just hoped I was right, "Yes I'm sure. Wish me luck." I walked over and knocked on the door. She looked up at me and almost instantly rolled her eyes, "What now?" I walked in and closed the door behind me. She stopped what she was doing, "Oh it's shut the door bad. Great." I knew she was just being dramatic but it was kind of bad. "Well, as you know Amy is alive. What you don't know is I've been meeting with her. In talking to her and Angelica we've figured out a few things." She didn't stop me but I figured she was going to yell at me for seeing Amy and not telling her but I continued you anyway. "We have found out that Amy's dad and apparently my mom are somehow connected to these people who are responsible for all these murders. There is some evidence that suggests that there is an inside person connected to all this." Her eyes lit up and she cut me off, "In the FBI?" I shrugged, "We don't know there's a chance that it could be someone here." She shook her head, "There's no way one of my people is capable of this." I put my hands up, "I know Cap, I don't want to believe it either, but we have to keep our minds open here. There's too much on the line not to." She nodded reluctantly, "Alright, so what now." This was the fun part. She wasn't partial to crazy ideas but I was hoping that this was going to fly. "Well we have an idea to catch whoever is doing this. But you're going to have to trust me." She rolled her eyes, "Famous last words." I laughed, "You know you can trust me." She moved her hand gesturing for me to continue, "We're going to bring Amy in here tomorrow. Letting everyone know that we are putting her in protective custody. Angelica is going to let her people know as well in order to try and flush them out. It looks like this was very much about getting to Amy so we are going to give them the chance." She was just kind of staring at me and I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. She was silent for a little while and I could feel Bailey's eyes on me from outside the office. She was worried about how it was going to go, if Angelica wasn't on a phone call I'm sure she would have been staring too. I was starting to get nervous and was about to start trying to convince her again when she put her hand up and stopped me before I started. "Alright, just don't get anyone killed." I almost started laughing, but did my best to keep it in. She was so serious about so many things and took her job very seriously but she knew she wasn't going to stop me anyway. Not when it came to Amy. "Yes ma'am," I opened the door and went to walk out when she spoke again. "Kelly, please be careful." I nodded at her knowing she really meant it and headed back to my desk. Both Angelica and Bailey were watching me now and I just gave them a thumbs up before I sat down. I got a text a few minutes later.

Am: "I miss you already."

I couldn't help but smile, I felt like I did when we first fell in love. It was like I was a teenager again.

"Miss you too. I don't think I'll be here too late. Will you be there when I get back?"

I went back to checking my emails while I waited for her answer. As I was scrolling I came across one that I didn't recognize. Usually it was just spam but there was something about this one that caught my eye.


I know you have seen her. You don't know who you are dealing with. She's in danger. Please keep her safe and tell her I'm sorry and I love her.

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