Chapter Three

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"Do you know how much I hate when you're right? Bailey said as she looked through what was now dozen pictures of people who died and were found in the fetal position. "You know how much I hate that I'm right this time, this is insane." As I went through the cases I still couldn't figure out why I knew that there would be more or why I recognized it because none of these pictures looked familiar to me. What also struck me was that all the other murders have only one victim. A single gunshot wound to the head and the body found just like the others. "It's the same but not all of it is. Why would whoever this is go from killing one person to shooting up bars and restaurants. That's a pretty big escalation even for this guy," I said more to myself I think but it was out loud. "Mc, we've been pouring over this all day. It's late and we aren't going to get ballistics and any of the DNA back until tomorrow. Can we get a drink and start up in the morning? Please." I looked at her like she was insane but she was right we weren't going to find anything tonight and I needed a break. When I looked over and Angelica and Crow they seemed to agree both looking kind of exhausted. "You guys want to get a drink?" Angelica's mood seem to perk up at the thought but looked over at Crow first to see what he was thinking. "I'm too tired but you can go," she looked a little upset I wasn't sure why. They didn't really seem close but maybe I was wrong, "We only have one car. I'll just head back to the hotel with you it's easier," Without thinking I blurted out, "I can get you back to the hotel." Bailey let out a noise and I gave her an eye, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience." I didn't get the chance to answer before Bailey did. "Trust me she's fine," she said rolling her eyes. Angelica looked at the both of us and looked like she might say something but decided not to. "Alright let's go then."

Bailey and I often ride to work together since we don't live far but with the way things happened we were driving separately so Angelica was riding with me. We were heading to a local pub that actually wasn't too far from the crime scene. I wouldn't say it was a cop bar but a few of us frequented there and it happened to be owned by my dad. Which meant cheap drinks and I could stay as long as I wanted. "So how long have you been with the Bureau?" I asked curious about her but also trying to figure out how someone so young was in her position. "Eight years," I must have looked shocked because she started to laugh, "No I'm not that old I just started out in their junior FBI program when I was still in school so even though I wasn't technically an agent I was still a part of it. "Ah ok, that makes sense." It also would explain part of how she's running her own cases after such a short time being an actual agent. "What about you how long with SPD?" We were almost there so I knew that the subject would be different once Bailey joined the conversation. "Six years," she rolled her eyes. "You really wondered about my eight?" It was true I started early too. After what happened to Amy and the fact that we really didn't know what caused the accident even now I jumped in as soon as I was able to. Didn't think we were at the tell her my ugly pain yet so I didn't elaborate. We pulled into the parking lot and were waiting for Bailey when Angelica turned towards me, "So is this all you want to know about me? Work stuff." She has a smirk on her face and I knew I'd be playing with fire if I started down this path but she was gorgeous and I couldn't help myself really. I definitely have self control issues. "Well," I hesitated slightly leaning towards her. It got her attention and she smiled. "I would like to know," and before I could finish there was banging on my window I jumped and turned to Bailey smiling from ear to ear happy with herself for scaring the shit out of me. I glared out at her and she knew by the look I was giving her she had done more than just scare me. I turned back to Angelica, "Time for a drink." We headed into the bar and it was actually pretty busy. Most of the faces I recognized but there were few new ones for sure. I wasn't expecting to see my dad but no matter how much I complained and told him to take time off he always seemed to be here. Angelica and Bailey were making small talk as I headed over to the side of the bar to talk to him. He hasn't notice us walk in so I walked behind the bar to go talk to him. "Yo Pop," he looked over and got a great big smile on his face. "Hey you," he walked over and gave me a great big hug. "Dad, why are you here? You know you have employees to the work the night shift." He shrugged, "Ah you know your old man, I can't sit at home and do nothing." My dad has tried to keep busy since him and my mom split years ago. She left town and I decided to stay here with him, plus I had Amy so there just wasn't enough reason to leave. My dad however, had a really hard time with him. He poured all his time into the bar and never really dated again. It was sad for me because he was a great guy, and he deserved to be happy. I just shook my head cause I knew it wasn't a battle I was going to win when Bailey and Angelica came over. Bailey hopped up on the bar and reached over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "So what's it take to get a drink in this joint?" She said with a snicker, "Nice to see you too Bails." He looked over at me and realized that we weren't alone tonight, "And who is this beautiful woman with you guys tonight." I rolled my eyes because I could see the look he was giving me. "Dad behave, this is Special Agent Angelica Rivers with the FBI." His eyes got wide, "Oh shit." He looked over at her," I'm sorry I'm just used to my daughter bringing pretty women in here. What can I get you to drink?" I could have killed him for saying that and Bailey just started laughing, "Well that's good to know," Angelica said with a smirk and then ordered a drink. We went over to our booth, it didn't have a reserved sign on it but I had a feeling that dad would stop anyone from sitting there just in case I came in. Barley and I sat next to each other and Angelica across from us, "So you guys seem really close." It was an observation but I had a feeling I knew the question behind it. Bailey had a smile on her face, "Ya, unfortunately." I pushed her shoulder, "Oh shut up you love me." She pushed me back and we started laughing when I looked back at Angelica she had a look of confusion in her eyes. I kind of wanted to make her ask the question and I know Bailey was going to want to torture both her and me but I didn't really want to do that, "We grew up together, she's been my best friend since before I could remember." That really didn't answer the question but I was trying to say we were just friends. We actually got this a lot because of how close we were. That and it's hard for some people to believe that two gay girls can spend that much time together and not have sex. "So you're not together?" Bailey started laughing loudly, "Hell no! She drives me insane." I rolled my eyes, "Oh please B. You wish you could." She started pushing me and it caused me to almost fall out of the booth. Angelica was laughing at our antics but I just used it as an opportunity. "Fine bitch I'll go sit over here," I said going to sit down next to Angelica. "Uh huh," she said and got up to get another drink. I looked over at Angelica now that we were alone, "Unless you have an objection to me sitting over here." She shifted a little closer to me and leaned in to whisper in my ear. I could feel her breath on my neck which sent a chill down my spine, "Is this how you get all the girls Detective?" That was definitely not the reaction I was expecting. I turned to face her and clearly my face read surprised but before I cooked say anything Bailey came and sat back down. "Oh stop flirting Mc," she said as she slid back into the booth. I swear I'm going to kill her later and she knew it but she just kept laughing. "So what are you guys talking about?" Angelica smiled at me, "Oh I was just asking Kelly here if she uses the flirty fun thing on all women." I shook my head, "What makes you think I flirt with everyone?" Bailey spit her drink all over the table and Angelica pointed at her, "That does." This wasn't going the way I thought it might when we were in the car. "Ya Mc here isn't used to girls turning down her advances." They were teaming up on me so I had to fire back, "Umm you have no room to talk there missy." She didn't look excited that I was exposing her but Angelica loved it, "Oh so you're both womanizers." I would never say that about myself but it's not a surprise that people would think that way about me. I haven't been with anyone long term since Amy, and that was intentional, but womanizer is a little much. "Hey now, what about you Agent Rivers. Why do I think you've been with your share of people yourself. You bat those pretty blue eyes around and people probably flock to you." She smirked at me and I knew I was probably right. I downed the rest of my drink, "Alright ladies we should probably call it a night we have a long one ahead of us tomorrow." We all got up and Bailey whispered in my ear as she walked by, "Good luck." I think Angelica heard it because she snickered. I pushed her forward as we walked towards the door, "Later pop," I yelled with a waive. He waived back and we headed to the parking lot, "Later B." She walked towards her car, "Mc... Agent Rivers." Angelica and I got into the car and I turned to ask her which hotel she was staying at and before I could I say anything she grabbed me and kissed me.

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