Chapter Nine

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I was laying in bed and it was calm, for the first time in a long time I felt calm. I didn't want to get out of bed. I laid there waiting for my alarm to go off pretending I didn't have to get up when I felt her arms around me. "Mmmm," I hummed as I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. I pulled her hand to my lips and kiss her, feeling her skin against mine was my favourite thing. I could live in this moment forever. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I shot up in bed. I was alone, it was just a dream, maybe a memory. I answered my phone, "McMaster. It was dispatch on the other end sending to me to another crime scene. I hoped that it wasn't the same guy but when I got to the crime scene it was clear that it was. We were at the biggest bank in the city and when I walked in there were bodies everywhere. It was by far the worst thing I'd ever seen. I was standing in the doorway in shock, I looked around and saw Bailey across the room. I moved towards her when someone grabbed my hand, I spun around, "Angelica, I didn't know you were back." She stood in front of me looking amazing as always, she was still holding my hand when Bailey walked up to us. She looked down at our hands and Angelica pulled away and Bailey gave her the dirtiest look. I was about to say something about it when Crow walked up, "Glad you guys could join us." So obviously him and Angelica didn't drive together. "This is crazy isn't it," he said and none of us could disagree. "What the hell happened in here?" I asked. Bailey started talking, "Well it looks like it was the same two man team as far as we can tell we've got two shooters, same as last time. They came in and just started firing, the security guard didn't even get his gun out of the holster," she pointed to where he was lying. I walked over to where he was, I knew him, we had gone to school together. I bent down next to his body and my hand started to shake, I was so angry this was happening under my watch. I wanted to punch something while I looked around at everyone working and Bailey came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, "I know Mc, I know." I stood up abruptly frustrated, "All this carnage and they still had time to pose the bodies. What is with these guys?" Angelica walked over to where Bailey and I were as she overheard what we were talking about, "Actually I think it's just one of them that's posing the bodies." I looked at her waiting for an explanation. "Well we've found some prints on the bodies but it's always the same print. It's not in the system and I thought maybe it was just that we hadn't found a second print yet or someone was wearing gloves but now I'm starting to think that it's only important to one of them." It was an interesting theory forsure and I felt like this was the key to figuring out what the hell is going on. "Umm, guys, you might want to see this," I heard from Crow behind me. We all turned around and went over to where he was standing. He was just staring at the wall around a corner and when we got there I didn't know what in the world I was looking at. In front of us there was a wall with one word painted on it. "McMaster." They all just looked at me as I stared at the wall. I had no idea why my name was on the wall but it was and I didn't know what to do with it. Angelica interrupted my thoughts, "Sooo what is going on here?" She was pointing at the wall and I couldn't tell if she was asking out of concern or with a accusatory tone, the way she was looking at me I think she thinks I'm lying to her. I put my hands up in frustration, "I have no fucking clue." Bailey was at my side in an instant, "What are you trying to say." She was so defensive when it came to me but this seemed to be more than that too. "B it's fine, I'm just as curious as the both of you."  We looked around further but I couldn't stop looking at the wall. Bailey and I were alone together for a few moments so I took a minute to talk to her about it, "It could just be that whoever is doing this knows I'm the investigator." She shook her head, "I don't know Mc this feels like more than that." She kept her head down when she said it as we were looking around the cashier's counter. "Do you know something I don't?" I asked her because I couldn't tell if this feeling I couldn't shake was about the case or whatever else she was keeping from me. She just shook her head no but still didn't look up at me as she looked at some paperwork. "Bailey," I said kind of sternly trying to get her attention. I rarely called her by her full name so when I did she knew I was being serious. She looked up at me and I took a step towards her, "What is it?" She shook her head again, "It's nothing Mc, it's just a feeling." Damnit, she knew that I wouldn't push past that. She and I had learned to trust each other's gut, so when either of us would say something like that there were no more questions. I had to let it go, but this time I didn't really believe her and I hated every second of that. We headed back to the station and let forensics do their job, I was barely in the door before I was face first with Val. "You can't work this anymore," she was saying as she walked towards me. I kind of saw that coming but she was more on edge than I thought. "Cap, relax." She looked at me shocked, "Don't tell me to relax, you're clearly being targeted." She was being overdramatic, "We don't know that, this guy is clearly playing games. I'm not going to let him spook me." She just shook her head as I walked towards my desk, she stopped me by grabbing my hand and I turned back towards her. "Kelly," she said softly. "I know Val, I'll be careful I promise." As she let go Angelica walked in behind me and she raised her eyebrow at me. I looked away and went to sit down when I got a text. When I looked at it I was surprised since it was coming from across the room, Angelica looked up at me with a smirk and I looked down at my phone.

A: "So how long have you been sleeping with your Captain?"

I looked up at her and she was still smirking at me. I shook my head and responded.

"Who says I am?"

A: "The way you just looked at each other. I've been on the job long enough to see that."

She wasn't wrong but we had slept together and we did care about each other but we weren't currently sleeping together.

"It's a long story."

She got up from where she was sitting and walked towards me. "Bathroom," she said as she passed. I thought I had heard her wrong but when she glanced back at me as she walked around the corner I knew I heard it right. I looked around and no one was paying attention. More importantly Bailey wasn't paying attention. I got up and followed her toward the bathroom.

I walked through the door and was suddenly pushed against the wall. I should have expected it but it caught me off guard. She had her hands on my hips as she pressed me to the wall, her face just inches from mine. "We have to stop meeting like this," she said as her hand started to slide between my legs. "Angelica," I tried to breathe out and just barely got it out before her hand was pressed hard to me. "We can't do this," I tried to pretend like I actually wanted her to stop, which I didn't, but I knew I couldn't have someone walking in here right now and seeing us. She started kissing my neck and breathing into my ear, "Oh come on Kelly, do you really want me to stop? I couldn't wait to get back here and see you." She kissed me and I couldn't help myself. I wrapped one hand in her hair and the other around her waist. I pulled her to me, her tongue slid in my mouth and I deepened the kiss. I spun her around and pressed her to the wall and tried to back up, as I did she used her teeth to grab on to my bottom lip which pulled as I broke the kiss. We were both breathing heavily but I knew it was only a matter of time before Bailey came looking. "What's wrong, McMaster? Having some trouble." I backed up and was leaning against the opposite wall. "I'm fine," she started laughing. "So how long have you been sleeping with your Captain? Do you sleep with all the girls you work with?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm not sleeping with Val." Now she was the one rolling her eyes, "Ok fine, we used to. She wanted more I told her I couldn't, we no longer sleep together." Her face said she understood, "Alright." She didn't press the issue or maybe didn't have the chance to before the door swung open and there was Bailey. She looked back and forth between us, she rolled her eyes and sighed before turning and walking back out the door. "Why do you have so many jealous girls around you?" Angelica said as I watched the door shut behind Bailey. I was surprised by the question because that wasn't who Bailey was. "Who B? No she's not jealous, it's not like that." She shrugged as she went to wash her hands, "Could have fooled me." She was right it was weird, "I don't know what her problem is but I'll talk to her later." Angelica didn't seem to be bothered by it but something was definitely off with her and it was really starting to bug me. In the meantime we had work to do, so it was time to get back to work. Right before I opened the bathroom door Angelica grabbed me again and kissed me. "Until next time," she said and walked out the door. So much for her time away helping me stay away from her.

Conspiracyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें