Chapter Thirty

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After a good dinner with my dad we headed back to the hotel. Bailey and Angelica had both text me to tell me that everything was set for tomorrow but that there wasn't any new news and that we were still as much in the dark as we've been. I was really hoping that I would get some more information before we set this plan in motion but it looked like we were just going to have to wing it. "Thank you for taking me to see him. I didn't know how much I needed it," I smiled at her because I knew that she needed some sort of normalcy and truthfully so did I. We pulled up to the hotel and made the decision to go in the back door just in case. We had exposed ourselves quite a bit in the last couple days and we just needed one more day to stay safe. I had called ahead and had our stuff moved to another room, figured it would be best to move now that she was staying with me. We got into the room and poured us a drink. She walked over to me and put her hands on my waist. She could tell I was in my head, she always could, "Are you ok?" I took a sip and put my glass down, "Yes babe, I am." She tilted her head and sighed, I put my hand on the side of her face and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "I'm ok Am." I leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. It still felt like such a dream every time I touched her. I picked her up and spun her around and she laughed. It was the first time I had heard her laugh since she had been back. When I put her down she hit my chest, "Jackass, you know how much I hate that." I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I know that's why I did it." I took a deep breath because I had to ask a question I didn't know the answer to. "Amy," I hesitated. She looked at me and before I could even ask she answered, "Forever." I knew that this wasn't the time to talk about our future but going into tomorrow I knew that I needed that reassurance to a point. "Come on let's go to bed." I picked her up again and we both fell into the bed. Laying next to each other we were just staring into each other's eyes. I was memorizing her features, not the ones that I already knew so well. The new ones that had formed while she was away. I put my hand beneath her chin and pulled it toward me so that I could kiss her lips. We weren't even comfortable in the bed but it didn't matter. As long as I had her in my arms I was happy. We didn't get much sleep tonight either, but not for the reasons one would hope. We both just laid in bed with her in my arms. I stared at the ceiling while I listened to her breathe. She had her head on my chest and at one point I could hear her counting my heart beats. We didn't say a lot and we both fell in and out of sleep but we were both worried about what was coming and both trying to enjoy this peace while we had it.

We must have both fallen into a decently deep sleep because it was morning and my alarm was going off loudly in my ear. "Will you shut that off," she said groggily from my chest. I reached over without moving and snoozed it. It meant it was going to bug us again soon but for right I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. There really wasn't anything like waking up like this, although I would very much like to do it in my own bed soon. "Hopefully tonight we can go back to my apartment, I'm a little tired of this hotel." She didn't say anything but I felt her swallow. "What?" I asked knowing she had something to say. "I'm sorry about your apartment." I tried to look her in the face but she held on tight so I couldn't, "What do you mean?" She hesitated before speaking again, "It was me." That was a shock, my place was destroyed and all of that stuff from my safe was gone. This time I did pull her back and she let me. "Amy, what the hell." She sat up and started to climb into my lap batting her eyelashes at me, "I'm sorry Kel. I knew they were coming for you and I wanted to keep you safe. You ended up here which meant you weren't alone." I really should be mad but I just didn't have the energy for it with all that was going on. Then it dawned on me, "So my stuff..." She smiled, and wrapped her arms around my neck, "All safe." I guess that was a plus to all this I would have all my stuff back, "You shouldn't be smiling, you broke into my place and my safe. How did you get in anyway." She rolled her eyes, "Well you really shouldn't use our anniversary as your combination if you didn't want me to see what was in it. And I'm smiling because after all this time you still kept everything." Ugh I hate the way she could smile at me and just melt away all the frustration. I put my hands on her waist to lift her off me, "Fine, we'll talk about the B&E later. Now we have to get ready. We should be hearing from them," and as if right on cue I got a text.

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