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Hey sorry I like,, kinda abandoned this book for a lil bit but I've been working on my Damiar fic a lot

anyway hi hello yes I am bacc thx for 4.5k teehee

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"Oh, hey, Caleb."

What is he doing here? Probably to check and see if Kai and I are over or not. I don't know whether I should shove it in his face that we're still together or make him think we've broken up. Whatever, we'll just see what happens.

"What brings you here?"

"Hey Y/n. Just coming by for a coffee."

"Ok. What can I get you?"

He ordered his coffee, paid, and walked over to a table and sat down. I noticed he was shaking violently and I couldn't help but be worried. For him, and for the other people in the store.

I got his drink ready, and all the while I felt eyes on me. It kind of made me uncomfortable but I had to brush it off and try to act normal. Minutes later, I called his name and he walked casually over to me and took it from my hands. I noticed he flashed me a small smile before leaving.

He seemed so sad. God, why once I'm happy everyone else is fucking moping?

I turned to Kai as he walked out from the back room. "Did you see that?"


"Caleb just came by he looked depressed as hell."

"That's his problem." He laughed.

"Yeah I know he's a grown ass adult and acts like a child, trying to break us up."

Kai agreed and we went back to working when Aviva showed up. That's weird, she's been avoiding us all the time and she doesn't work today. I guess she just wants a drink. Still kind of strange though..

"Hey." My thoughts were cut off by her voice. I hadn't even realized I'd been watching her walk to the counter this whole time.

"Hey. Sorry. What can I get for you?"

"Pink drink."

"Okay. Coming right up."

She slid over the money. The entire interaction she avoided eye contact. She she stood to the side as I prepared her drink and have it to her, Kai dealingwith the next customer in the other line.

"Are you okay, Aviva?"

Her eyes flickered over to me with sort of a confused look on her face. "Um, yeah. Why?"

"I still worry about you. A-Are we still friends?" I asked hesitantly.

She smiled at me and looked down. She didn't say a word and just walked away. So I guess that's a no...

I felt tears sting at my eyes and I looked up, trying to blink them away. I lost my best friend. For good.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

"No." I quickly went into the back room and sat down on the bench before Kai could say anything else. Now I just let the tears fall.

I fucked it all up, everything. I just lost Aviva. What's next, Kai? I was too dumb to realize how she felt before it was too late. I wish I could change my feelings. I wish I did like Aviva. But then I'd wish I liked Kai. I don't know what I wish. I just want everything back to normal.

The door open and closed and I avoided looking at who it was, instead, pulling my knees to my chest and hiding my face.

"Y/n, what happened? Did Aviva say something? Did Caleb say something? Did I say something?" Kai's voice was heard as he sat down next to me, gently hugging me.

"I still care about Aviva so much and she doesn't even consider me a friend anymore. I just want everything back to normal. I miss her. I feel so...guilty."

"You don't have to feel guilty for anything. You cant control your feelings. Everything will be okay. I'm sure you two will make up or you'll get over her." He laid his head on my shoulder comfortingly.

I lifted my head to dry my tears and lean my head on his.

"You still have me...and Damiar, and Cap, and Noen...and Jess. We all love you so much, you know that? Even if you're not as close to them as you were with Aviva...time is everything, right?"

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you, I love you. Now we should get back out there before we get fired." He laughed lightly and we both got up to leave when I noticed a folded piece of paper on the ground.

I slowly unfolded it.

'8500 W Olympic Blvd, 9 pm tonight. Be there.

–Aviva ♡'

I smiled to myself before walking out and continuing with my day working. Once I got home, Kai tagging along, I got ready after taking a shower (not with Kai, ya nasties). I threw on some rather comfy clothes before I told Kai where I was going.

He gave me a big hug and told me to stay safe since it was kinda late. He also offered to come with me but I declined, that probably wouldn't make Aviva so happy.

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Sorry I'm ending it here this sucked so bad but I'm trying 😔 I have horrible writers block rn and for some reason I am overwhelmed with emotion

Anyway QUESTION!! Someone suggested I do a Kai one shot book or something like that once I finish this and I was wondering if yous would enjoy that? It sounds fun to do on the side while I'm writing my Damiar and Aviva fics.

Speaking of Aviva fic, THAT IS COMING SOON. I planned out most of the chapters but I'm having a hard time um...organizing it all? I guess. Like I know what's gonna happen but idk how to write it? I already have a few chapters written so if ya want me to just publish that rn I will!

Pls comment n help me I'm desperate 😔

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