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Aviva and I finished studying and contemplated on just skipping but we decided not to. I drove us to school and the day went by smoothly.

I kind of miss Kai and I going to school together, even if he was a grade level above me, we found ways to see eachother. Now it's just me and Aviva, don't get me wrong I love Aviva! My (second) best friend! But I had other friends too, most of them dropped out, or were a grade level ahead of me so they graduated before me.

Anyway, me and Aviva went out for lunch and then finished the school day. After school, I took her home and then went on my way to pick up Kai at Starbucks.

I parked some where and got out of my car, and walked into the Starbucks. Kai was standing behind the counter just staring down at it. I walked up to the counter and said, "Hello? I would like a-"

"Yn! Boy am I glad to see you." He said enthusiastically and quickly took off his apron.

"What really-"

"Yes! I'm dying to get out of here."

"Alright well hurry your ass up so we can get out of here." I laughed and he went into the back room to get ready to leave.

Soon, he came out with a bag in hand. "Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand, I blushed slightly as he basically dragged me out of the building. He practically threw me into the passenger seat of my own car, and got in the driver's side. "You're driving?"

"Well I mean I have a license so why not put it to use."

"Go ahead buddy, no one's stopping you."

"Hell yeah!" He put the key in the ignition excitedly and drove us to my place. We listened to music and sung and talked about random shit the whole way there.

"We're home" he said in a sing-song voice, trying to be annoying, as we pulled into my driveway. We went to my room and he immediately grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. "Who said you could take a shower, hm?" I joked. "Me" he said closing the bathroom door behind him.

I smiled and pulled out my phone. I went to my school's student website to check my grades, my test grade was already in and I got an 87%. A B, almost an A. Good for only a small time of studying. I scrolled around on tiktok and Instagram for a while until Kai got out of the shower.

He came out of the bathroom already dressed in one of my hoodies that's too big on both of us. And I guess he brought his own shorts or maybe he's wearing a pair of mine, I dunno. His hair was still wet and messy and looked like he didn't even bother to try and dry it.

"I'm back!" He yelled jumping onto the bed. "I see!" I laughed trying to get off the bed while he made it difficult by bouncing all over it which made it shake out of control.

"Ahh! That's enough!" We laughed and settled down and just talked and joked around and showed eachother random things on our phones.

"I wanna get high" he said randomly.

"We're too broke for that tonight. Wanna go live on like TikTok or something instead?" I suggested. He hummed an okay and started a live on his phone.

We decided to answer a bunch of questions and so we did, and we made dinner on live and put on music and the live lasted for about three hours, and then it was like half past 8 at night. Kai was sitting on the couch with his phone in front of him reading the chat and I was in the kitchen finishing my food.

"Hey kai"


"I gotta take a shower for school tomorrow, and then write a couple things down I might need help with."

"Wanna end the live?"

"Up to you."

"Alright homies it's been a fun time, but me and y/n have some stuff to do to end off the night, so we're gonna end the stream here."

"Bye I love yous so much. Thanks for hanging out with us."

We said bye to the live and then I got in the shower and when I came out, the kitchen was clean. I didn't ask for it, but Kai cleaned up our mess so I thanked him, and we put on a movie while I tried to answer some questions one of my teachers gave me on a note card. Kai helped me and we got it done soon, and just hung out for the rest of the night.

I don't know what happened, but while watching the movie I finally mustered up the courage and out of impulse, I just- "So, Kai. I was wondering...uh, if you would like to maybe go out one day, just you and me, like on a date-"

"Oh, uhhh,..I'm sorry, I-I...I'm seeing someone right now-"

"Oh! Uhh, yeah it's okay. Worth the shot I guess," I chuckled nervously and got up to put my stuff away.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed now. Sorry."

"Oh no it's fine! See you tomorrow."

"Y-yeah, see you tomorrow..." I said as I watched Kai walk out the door, on the brink of tears.

'Why would I ask that when of course he thinks of me as nothing more than a close friend? I mean, of course he's seeing someone else, it's not like it's hard for him to get a girl to like him. It's so stupid, this whole thing', I thought to myself while sitting on my bed, not realising the streams of tears falling down my face. I sniffed and finally let out a soft sob. Soon enough I was left softly crying and sobbing into my pillow while falling asleep...

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