chapter 13 I think idk?

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It's been a few days since what happened at school with Aviva. It was currently Monday and I had just gotten home from school. I was sitting on my bed drinking iced coffee and scrolling through my phone when I got a FaceTime from Kai.


"Hey I'm streaming on Twitch in 30 minutes and I need your help. Can you come over?" He said quickly and stood up from where ever he was sitting and started walking somewhere.

"Yeah sure I'm on my way. I haven't streamed in like two weeks. And why didn't you just text me?" I asked.

"Because maybe I wanted to call my best friend" he said in a mocking voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok whatever," I said, standing up and grabbing my keys from on top of my dresser, "I'm on my way right now. What do you need help with anyway?"

"You'll have to find out yourself," He said snarkily before hanging up.

"Wow rude" (not seriously) I mumbled to myself and made my way outside and into my car.

On my way to Kai's house, I thought about Aviva's 'confession'. Well it was the only thing I've been thinking about for days, really. I didn't know whether to tell Kai or not, because it's between Aviva and I and it might be disrespectful to tell him. But on the other hand Kai is my best friend and I should tell him everything. Plus he could give me advice.

I made myself stop thinking about it until I got to his house. I pulled into the drive way and noticed his mom's car was gone. That's why he's inviting me over for once I guess.

I knocked on the door and he answered and grabbed onto my arm almost as soon as he saw me and dragged me up to his room. "Sheesh what's the hurry?"

He jumped onto his bed and threw a small rectangular box at me. Thankfully I caught it before it hit me in the face. I read the label and it was green hair dye.

"No way-"

"Yes way, Can you help me dye it on stream?"

"Sure. When are you starting the stream?"

"Um right now hold on," he pulled out his phone and tweeted 'early stream'. Then sat down at his desk and started the stream. The 'stream starting soon' screen was up and some song was playing and people were basically flooding the chad with "hey"s and "what's the surprise" and shit like that.

"Oh my god what if I fuck your hair up" I started to panic and he looked at me seriously.

"I'll literally kill you."

"Mhm sure you will," I said sarcastically as I laid out everything we'd need on the counter in the bathroom because the lighting was best in there.

"Ok I'm gonna start the stream now," Kai started the stream and said hi to everyone and started reading the chad.

"What's the surprise you ask," he said and started to look at me.

"What? Tell them," I said confused with a shrug.

He looked back at his pc with a serious look on his face and sighed. Oh god what is he doing-

"Me and Y/n are together."

Oh my god. I almost slapped him so hard, playing with my feelings like that. Other than that I had to try and hold in my laughter as he continued with the joke. I stood next to him and leaned down to his level and started reading the chad too.

"Yeah. We've been secretly dating this whole time and didn't tell anyone. 'Is this a joke' no. It's not, I'm serious," I could notice him stifling his laugh and I had to go in the other room before I completely lost it.

"Y/n people are hating!" He yelled for me and I went back into the room.

"What the hell guys? Can't you just support our decisions and let us be happy together" I said and rolled my eyes over exaggeratedly.

"Yeah I know right, fake fans," he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me down to his level. I mumbled an ouch which made him laugh slightly.

"Dude why are you guys so mean to me I'm not that bad am I?" My eyes glued to the chad seeing a bunch of people joking about me.

"Yeah you're horrible you fucking suck" Kai joked.

"Asshole! We're breaking up, we're over" I joked back and at this point we both just burst out laughing.

"We're just kidding guys we're not actually dating," he finally said.

"Yeah thank god."

"Y/n's too much of a bully."


We finally dyed his hair on stream which was sort of difficult since I didn't have half an idea of what I was doing, plus having to talk to people in the chad and getting most stuff on camera.

We finally got his hair done and I have to admit it looked pretty great. The green wasn't as bright as I thought it would be but it was still vibrant and it looked good on him. We just sat there and talked to people and watched a few videos after words.

It was getting really late and I started dozing off lying in his bed. I was cuddled up in his comforter watching him react to cringey tiktok comps for the stream.

"Look at Y/n in the back ground about to fall asleep. Haha loser sleep is for the weak" he said as he pointed at me.

"Fuck off Kai. Can I stay here for the night?" I said drowsily flipping onto my side to look at him.

"Yeah I'm gonna end stream soon and we can sleep, k?"

I nodded and closed my eyes starting to fall asleep. I wasn't fully asleep though. I was half asleep and I could hear almost everything going on around me but didn't pay much attention to it and time didn't seem to pass by.

I soon felt a dip beside me in the bed and turned over and opened my eyes to see Kai trying to get comfortable.

"What time is it?" I asked and it kind of startled Kai and he jumped a bit. I laughed at him and he calmed down, turning towards me and laying on his side.

"It's almost 12. Do you have school tomorrow?"

I nodded and yawned. I was still tired and just wanted to go back to sleep. He nodded back in response and pulled me towards him. I fell asleep not even a minute later in his arms.

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