onety four

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I woke up being shaken by Kai. He kept on saying my name and stuff like "get up you have school" "time for school" "let's get you home to get ready" and "it's morning now wake up" over and over again.

"Can I skipppp" I wined as I turned over and covered my face with the blanket.

"I'm not your mother why are you asking me?"

"Um because last time you acted like you were my mother."

He sighed, "Yeah can you just stay with me for the day?"

"Sure why what's wrong?" I asked quickly getting concerned, throwing the blanket off of me and sitting up.

"Nothing I was just trying to get you up" he laughed.

"Oh you ass" I said, playfully hitting his arm.

I got up and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with a spare toothbrush Kai had for me for mornings like this. He threw me a clean t-shirt of his to change into and I stayed in my jeans from yesterday.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked whenever we were both done getting ready and just sitting around. I thought of what we could do. We could go to the park or a café or something for lunch, stay here or go to my house, watch a movie, stream, etc.

Then I thought about what I had been thinking about for the longest time. Aviva and I. I was going to tell Kai about Aviva and I. I don't know why I felt like I had to but I wanted to, just to get it off of my mind I guess.

"Well first can we get coffee? I also have to talk to you about something." He nodded and got up, tossing me his keys and telling me I had to drive.

We went to a hole in the wall café near his house. Thank God no Starbucks because I'm beginning to get sick of it. I ordered a simple (ur fav drink) and Kai ordered an iced vanilla coffee (idk what he likes lmao). We sat down at a round table with a lace table cloth on it. The place was pretty, cottage and pastel like and barely anyone was there.

We goofed around and talked for some time before it went silent between us and that's when Kai decided to bring up that I had wanted to tell him something.

"Well I don't know if this will have any impact on our relationship whatsoever but I found out Aviva likes me and that's why she kissed me that night." I said before I could stop myself.

"No way. You're kidding-"

"Nope," I said before starting to ramble, letting everything just spill out without a filter, "And anyway I don't like her in that way so I had to let her down and it really hurt seeing her hurt. Now she's avoiding me and I just miss her and I wonder if I should just tell her I like her to make her feel better. I mean there's nothing stopping me, we are the only two single in our little 'friend group' since you're with Damiar and everythi-"

"Wait say that last part again" Kai cut in and I looked at him confused before remembering what I had just said.

"Um sure. Me and Aviva are the only single ones since you and Damiar are together?" He began to laugh and I stared at him confused. What is so funny?

"Me and Damiar aren't together are you crazy?!" He said in between laughter.

"Wait what? But Aviva said-"

"Yeah what the fuck, why would she say that? Does she think I like you or you like me or something" he joked but I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Did I say something?"

I shook my head no.

"No, you're okay. I just don't know why she would lie to me about that." Except I knew exactly why. I told her about my crush on Kai and she got jealous since she likes me and she told me that so I wouldn't persue Kai.

"Oh. Me neither. But y/n, don't get with her just because she wants you to. That would be an unhealthy, one-sided relationship that would get toxic real quick. Find someone who loves you like you love them."

I nodded in understanding. I've been getting friend zoned by him so much in the last few minutes I don't think my heart can't take it anymore

"Do you want to go home?" He asked. I could hear a crack in his voice like he was about to cry.

"Kai what's wrong? Are you okay?" I said as I stood up in a hurry. He just shook his head.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Kai, talk to me, please. I'm your best friend and you can tell me anything." I rushed to his side to hug him. He sniffled and I could only assume he was crying by now.

"Let's just go back to my house" he said as we pulled away. I nodded and grabbed his hand, helping him up and going to his car.

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