wow yes a chapter

330 15 15

I was packing up my things when I decided to try and talk to Kai. I was nervous which was weird because I'm never nervous about Kai, he was the person I felt most at ease with. That's why I liked him in the first place.

"H-Hey, Kai, can we talk for a sec?" I asked as I approached him. He turned around and looked at me kind of surprised I was talking to him.

"Yeah of course, what's up?"

Um, shit what do I say?!

"Sorry for earlier."

"Is that all? It's okay y/n, you know I don't hold grudges." He smiled at me before starting to walk away.

"Wait!" Is this it? Am I gonna tell him? No, he's with Damiar, I'm not gonna ruin that for him.

"Do you wanna hang out tonight? Things have been really tense between us and I...I just hate it. You're my best friend know."

He smiled brightly, not like the smile from a few minutes ago. That one was small and fake, this one was big and genuine.

"Sure! Gimme one sec."

He walked to the back and came out a minute later with his bag in his hand. He was wearing a hoodie over his work uniform.

"C'mon" I said and he grabbed my hand before we walked out. This is how things are supposed to be.

We got to my house and like normal he went straight into the kitchen for a snack. "Want a sandwich?" He asked and I nodded and sat down at the bar.

I sat in thought for a second, thinking of what to say. I should probably tell him Aviva and I aren't together. I mean it shouldn't be that important but he deserves to know what happened and that the kiss meant nothing.

"So, Kai I wanna tell you something."

He kind of froze before he turned around,"Y-Yeah?"

"I just wanna say Aviva and I mean nothing. I mean obviously we're close friends but I mean romantically. That kiss was just because...uh, w-well..."

Now I didn't really know what to tell him. I couldn't just tell him we were having a night together to get my mind off of him and when we saw him she kissed me to get him to shut up.


Shit shit shit I have to come up with an excuse

"Um, it was just a playful kiss, y'know?"

He nodded slowly.

We hung out for the rest of the night and we fell asleep on the couch cuddling.

I woke up the next morning and woke up Kai a few minutes after. "Do we have to work?" I asked as I sat up groggily rubbing my eyes.

"I do. You have to go to school, silly," he said standing up.

"I don't wannaaaa" I whined.

"How many days did you go this week again?"

I groaned, "okay fine." I got up and got ready, drove Kai home and went to school. When I got there I got a text from Aviva.

"meet me behind the school when u get to school, k?"

I sent her an okay and found my way to the back of the school. I looked around and didn't see Aviva so I started to walk around the field. That was how I spotted her sitting under a tree. I walked up to her and she was fidgeting with her fingers with her legs stretched out.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Oh uh, I just wanna talk you know?" I nodded and looked her up and down trying to read her. She seemed a little sad.

"Okay yeah. Are you alright?"

She nodded and looked me in the eye, "I like you Y/n, a lot. That's why I kissed you."

My eyes went wide with shock. What was I supposed to say to that? I mean I like her a lot too but as a friend. I still had eyes for Kai and I knew my crush on him wouldn't go away anytime soon. But maybe if I told her I liked her back I could get over it? No...

"Aviva," I started, "I-I'm sorry, I... I still like Kai." I gave her a weak lopsided smile to try and comfort her if she felt bad, which didnt seem to work at all.

She just looked down at her hands sadly, "Yeah. I figured. I'm gonna go, see you later." She stood up and I was going to say something to stop her but I left her be. I really felt bad but I couldn't lie to her...

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