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u know what I fuckin hate math teachers •n•

I made a few tiktoks while Kai was in the shower because I knew I'd never have enough time to make any more for the next few busy, busy days. When Kai got out, I gave him my phone so he could post the videos for me because it was getting late and I wanted to take a shower and still have time to hang out with him before I should sleep because school tomorrow.

I quickly took a shower, it lasted no longer than ten minutes, and I got changed in the bathroom before going back to my room to see Kai laying on my bed in one of the hoodies he left over here.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked as I sat down next to him while brushing my hair.


"Well what have you thunk"

"I don't know what do you think I thunk?"

"I don't know I havent been thinkin about what I think you thunk" He chuckled and sat up, "I should probably go-"

"What, why? We barely even got to hang out!"

He nodded slightly while looking down and thought for a second.

"Yeah but you have school tomorrow and you need your rest and I don't wanna keep you up like I usually do or be a distraction."

"It's fine I don't mind, you know I really like hanging out with ya."

"Aw, really?- I mean, yeah, I know. Ditto, but like, I just gotta go. I'll walk just- I'll see you around" and with that he got up and walked out of my room and left.

I have no idea why, that's not something he'll usually do ever. We usually goof around until about ten or eleven and then I take him home or he spends the night and I go to school the next morning and stuff. He's never acted this strange before.

I ended up putting my earbuds in, plugging my phone in, turning the lights off, and laying down until I fell asleep. I fell asleep and the next morning was weird.

I woke up to my alarm of my favourite song, but it didn't get me pumped up for the day like it usually does. I turned off the alarm and rolled over, pulling the covers over my head.

Then I heard my front door open, and thinking it was Kai, I pushed my covers off of my head and stared at the ceiling waiting for him to burst in through my bedroom door and shout something stupid to wake me up, but instead- "I need your help!"

I groaned and threw the covers back over my head. "What are you doing here Aviva" I laughed quietly.

"I told you I need your help! I didn't study for the test today!"

"The wh- The test!" I shot up out of bed quickly and started grabbing clothes and make up and my books for school. "What time is it" I asked going into the bathroom to change.

"It's only 6:15-"

"We have an hour and a half to study before school!" I yelled to her while putting my clothes on.

"You didn't study either?"


"Yn! Can we go study after we get coffee! Starbucks?"

"Oh god fine." I laughed before putting my shoes on and grabbing everything I needed and Aviva's hand and nearly ran out the door and into my car.

We got to Starbucks, yes the place we work, because it was the closest to my house. We got our coffees and a snack and studied for a while and there was hardly anyone there until someone walked in.

We heard the bell ring from the door and looked up. Kai! "Kai!" "Hm-" he hummed looking over at us. "Oh hey!" He said with a smile.

"Why'd you run off last night?" I asked.

"Uh...I don't know just needed some time to myself I guess."

"That makes sense, but are you like, okay?"

"Of course I am" he smiled once again and waved bye awkwardly and walked behind the front counter.

"Hey...uh, Aviva, I'm gonna go talk to Kai. I'll be right back."

I walked behind the front counter pushing past the other two employees there who I didn't recognize. "Hey you can't go back there!" One shouted at me. "I work here." I scowled back.


"Kai-" I heard someone say as I was pulling my shirt on. "Ahh! What do you want I'm changing?!" I yelled while ruffling my hair and turning around to see yn.

"Oh, oops sorry. What's up?" I asked nervously, I was embarrassed.

"Ummm, I really wanna know. Cuz you never just leave like didn't give us any time to hang out and now today it seems like, awkward between us. What's on your mind?"

My breath hitched slightly–'you' I wanted to say but my coward ass could never.

"Um," I rubbed the back of my neck,"nothing, I mean, I guess I just wanted some time alone. I told you that. Listen, we can hang out after you get out of school, okay? Can you pick me up from here?"

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, sounds good to me. Aviva has plans so-"
"That's fine. Just you and me then." I smiled softly and she waved and left. Welp, I'm kind of a dumbass.

Hey demons it's ya boi, just wanted to drop in and say that all the songs at the top of the chapters are just songs that I was listening to while working on the chapters, but if y'all want I could make a lil playlist for the book 👀👉👈aHaha aLSO!!! I'm making this a y/n book cuz I can't come up with any good names and can't use any of my characters cuz they all have sUpErNaTuRaL aBiLiTiEs.

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