a/n- pls read (no bad news I promise)

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Hi thanks for 2k reads that's i n s a n e since I never take this book seriously LMFAO n e ways so:

1- I'm losing inspo a little so I'm telling y'all the maximum chapters left is like 5 or 7 or somewhere around that number

2-if anything if I finish this and then get inspo to write more I'll just let u know before I continue (I won't make a sequel cuz this book never really had a plot. it's rlly just a love story with a lot of jealousy in it lmao-)

3-I'm thinking about making another fanfic after this cuz it's fun to mess around with my writing style n stuff so like would y'all want that? And who would you want it to be about? (I'm thinking either another Kai, an Aviva, or Damiar fanfic). Also, x reader or x oc?

4-also remember to speak out about blm and police brutality on social media or even on the streets in a protest! There's a lot of people who will really appreciate it and at this point silence is taking the side of the oppressor. also sign petitions and spread info if you can't donate or protest.

Ok das all for right now. ilysm and I'll probably update tmrw!

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