chapter (4)20

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I sat down on the couch. I wanted to open the letter so badly but I was so scared of what was inside. Maybe it was just someone sending gift or a nice letter...but that doesn't explain how they have my address. I cursed quietly, earning attention from Kai who was in the kitchen pouring us drinks.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He picked up the cups and sat them down on the coffee table before sitting next to me and rubbing my back comfortingly.

"I got a letter from a so called fan." I said quietly. He laughed before he realized why that was scary.

"Holy shit. How–"

"I have no idea. I'm too scared to open it." I sighed and ran my finger over the writing in black ink on the front of the envelope.

'For: Y/n L/n, From: Your Favourite Twitch Fan ♡'.

I handed it to Kai without making eye contact, hoping he'd understand. I was too embarrassed to ask. This is so stupid.

"Want me to read it for you?" He asked as he took the envelope. I nodded and heard the tear of the envelope being opened, then the wrinkling of a piece of paper being unfolded. Kai let out a deep breath before starting to read.

"'Dearest Y/n, I have reached out to you today because it has come to my realization that you are a ...piece of shit'," he paused and stared at the letter with a kind of angry glint in his eyes.

"Great start," he snickered which made me laugh quietly.

"'What you did to me, especially while having a boyfriend..." He trailed off and I shifted my gaze at his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows as he read through the letter silently with a confused, shocked, and hurt expression.

So many thoughts whirled around in my head. What is he thinking? What does the letter say? Is he okay?

"Kai, what is it? Wait- how do they know we're-"

"Is this true?" He looked at me and he looked like he was going to break down any second.

"Is what true?" I asked curiously, taking the letter from his hands. I read through it.

'Dearest Y/n,

I have reached out to you today because it has come to my realization that you are a piece of shit. What you did to me, especially while having a boyfriend, was a whole new low for you. For anyone. I didn't know you were in a relationship with Kai, if you were, I would've said no. Karma is a bitch. Karma will come back for you, for using me and abandoning me when your fun was over.

–>>Sincerely, a former Twitch Fan.'

"What the fuck," I whispered. Without thinking I started laughing. This has got to be some sick joke. One of my ex friends from school is pranking me or something. I never did any of that. Plus the only person I ever talk to is Kai anymore.

Kai didn't seem to think it was very funny. Tears were already welling up in his eyes. I shut myself up and my face softened into worry. I cupped his face lightly and brought him to look at me.

"Hey, hey. You know this is some kind of prank, right? I love you, Kai. I would never do something like this. You're the only person I hang out with and you know it. I would never have the time for some side chic, and I don't need one anyway."

He smiled just before a tear fell from his eye. I smiled soflty back at him and quickly brushed the tear away with my thumb. I looked down.

"It can't actually be a fan, right? How would they know my address, or that we're together?"

"The only people that know your address are me, you, Aviva, and..."

"Caleb, and some other old friends I don't talk to anymore. Still doesn't explain how they know we're staying."

He looked up in thought, "Maybe Aviva told someone? Isn't she the only other person that knows? Oh, Damiar too."

"Okay. So, Aviva, Caleb, and a few ex friends know my address. Aviva and Damiar know we're dating. One of them could've told Caleb or my old friends about us and then they decided to pull a prank on us," I theorized, trying not to miss one detail. Except I did.

Why would someone want to play a prank that could break us up? All I could think of was an old friend trying to get revenge for me ghosting them in middle school or somethi– wait.

It had already been silent as Kai and I both thought of who could've sent the letter. So I broke the silence, with reason of course.

"We pretended we were a thing before we were a thing to get Caleb to leave me alone. He could've done this to try and break us up. You know he's crazy," I paused and glanced at the letter,"And look. Favorite is spelled with an 'o' and 'u' instead of just an 'o'. Only Australians, Canadians, and Britains spell it that way."

"What an asshole. He's right, Karma's a bitch," Kai laughed at his own joke and I laughed along.

"You're so smart. I would've never figured that out on my own. You solved the case, agent." (I've been binge watching criminal minds cuz it's nostalgic ok. ur a profiler now KSJDB jkjk)

Little did I know there would be way more cases to come.


It didn't work.

It didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work.

The girl's voice bounced off the walls of his head with every step he walked and every breath he took. He shook rapidly as he walked towards the glass doors. Sweaty, cold hands gripped onto the handle and he pulled it open with as much force as he could possibly muster up.

Anger over took him earlier that day and it hadn't gone away. When his partner called him up and told him about Kai and Y/n's bright and happy faces, and Y/n's soft, perfect lips on Kai's that morning in the café. He couldn't take it. He just had to see it for himself.

'You said it would work!'

'I don't know how it didn't!'

'Well figure it out. This isn't just for you, it's for me too! You're ruining everything. I should've done this alone.'

'You fucking psychopath. You can't do anything alone. 'Cause your temper fucks it all up!'


Memories flashed before his eyes, and he was taken back into reality by a shove to his shoulder from a teen walking by. He quickly made his way to the bright green painted counter, finally meeting her glistening e/c eyes.

"What can I get for you– Oh, hey, Caleb."


Bruh lmao as if we didn't already know it was him

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