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the rest of the ride was relatively silent and my gaze unconsciously traveled from the window, to the boy driving. my eyes scan his figure and get to his arms and i let out an internal gasp. seeing his arm uncovered for the first time, there were words carved in his beautiful skin like 'die' and 'we win.' and just drags of a knife visible on his previously soft and silky skin. still perfect to me.

i turn my head to the, now slightly awake man in the back of my seniors car. ignoring his little movement, i look back to donghyuck in admiration. the way he does so little yet always catches my eye, the way he, seemingly, hates me yet cares for me, and the way he acts like a brat but is always a gentleman nevertheless.

"you know, you're always staring at me hon."

startled, i try to muster up a reply but no words come out.

"but i'm completely okay with it."

that's where the conversation ended. i continued to look out the window, taking small, quick glances at the boy every so often.


we got home, still in a comfortable silence, and he trudges over to the man in the backseat. he groans while throwing the poor guy over his shoulder like he weighed nothing.

i knocked on the door, forgetting how banged up we looked and how long we were gone for and i realized that when i saw the shocked look on yangyangs face when he opened the door. oops.

hyuck ignores the confusion on the boys face as i sheepishly smile and graze my tattoo with my fingers. donghyuck, being the impatient boy he is, pushes yangyang out of the way and walks straight into the basement- to put the rival guy in for interrogation i'm assuming.

i follow, after muttering a sorry to yangyang, not knowing all of the guys were waiting on us in the main living room. oh shoot... how long has it been?

as if he read my mind, our leader starts off the conversation.

"you've been gone for almost 7 hours now. care to explain why you look like you've been rolling in dirt, and why you came home with an unknown man?"
"er... long story- look i got a tattoo! haha..." i point at the small piece of ink on my collarbone.
"i uh i match with hyuck..." i add to the silence and look around the room, only to see a bunch of serious and disappointed faces.

"okayyy.. so basically.." i continue to tell them about the eventful day.
"OH YEAH! i forgot that we erm... we kinda took baekhyuns car..."

"so you, got a spontaneous matching tattoo with donghyuck, got attacked, lost his precious bike, took an enemy, stole a seniors car, and came home, almost completely unharmed?" mark deadpans.
"yup... sounds about right."

i hear a sigh and just when taeyong was about to start again, donghyuck walks back up from the basement stairs. when he sees all of us, he turns back around.

"not so fast bud. come here." johnny commands.

with an annoyed look on his face, he reluctantly comes back around to the living room, next to where i was standing.

"look at my tattoo it's sick as fuck-" he stops when i jab him in the side with my elbow.

"sooo... yuta hyung- my precious bike is gone for good now... can you make me another one pleasee" he gives little puppy dog eyes to the elder.
"yeah. fine. whatever." the japanese boy sighs out, not being able to resist the youngers cute act.

"who are the people who attacked you guys?" jisung questions.
"the same people who fucked me up last time."
"i know you guys saw but we have one of them now..." i add on.


after a ridiculous amount of awkward tension and a scolding from taeyong, everyone goes to do their own thing. i watch as the rest of dream comes to talk to me while donghyuck goes down the stairs again.

"that's actually really cool... i want one too!" jaemin points at my tattoo.
"me too!" the rest of the boys converse about making it a dream tattoo symbol.

i follow hyuck, knowing the dreamies wouldn't care anyway, and make my way down to a room i've never been in before. hyuck opens the door and lets it close on me. rude. i see the guy regaining consciousness while tied to a chair.

"i searched for a symbol before you got here. can you search the files for this group tatt?" hyuck whispers in my ear while handing me his phone with a picture of the tied up boys back that had the symbol on it.
"on it."

while the boy starts to investigate, i search online for anything that was similar to the boys, who we now know goes by j something, tattoo.

aha! who's bts??

my thoughts were interrupted when a very small ping notification came from hyucks phone. right as i was about to swipe it away, i accidentally read the text.

kk i love you too b, i'll let you know!

who the fuck?

a/n- hey yall👀 i know ive been dead for a while so im updating 2 chaps... aahha i hope youre doing well!

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now