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it's currently 2am and all of my best friends in nct are having a sleepover celebration for me joining nct officially. there's xiao, injun, chenji, lucas, and nomin so it's pretty chaotic. occasionally mark will step in to "mAke sUrE evErYtHinGs aLriGhT" which is code for shutting us up every hour.

"soooo, let's do somethinggg!" lucas whines like the giant baby he is.
"like what xuxi? spin the bottle?"
"gross no. truth or dare!"
"what are you? 11?"
"shut up xiaojun-" the tall boy huffs out before standing up to gather the boys spread out my room.

we have me, chenji,
renjun nomin,
lucas, xiaojun,

"okay let me start!" jaemin exclaims while jumping on his boyfriends lap.

his eyes scan around the circle for a few seconds before the land on mine.

"chenle truth or dare." i exhale in relief when it wasn't me because goddamn jaemin is scary.
"dare cause i aint no pussy!"
"okay, kiss jisung right now."

we all watch in anticipation because chenji are known for their very private relationship, minus the hugging in public.

to all of our surprise, jisung grabs the shorter boys jaw and pulls it to him.

"woah okay jisung top everybody! jisung top!"

after a good laugh at renjuns, loud, "announcement", we turn our attention to chenle who was still blushing as it was his turn to ask someone.

"renjun. truth or dare?"
"awh pussy!" lucas whined out

we all got used to the loud boys whining so we ignored it, as usual.

"hold minjoo on your lap for the next 2 rounds."

"what the- that's not even a truth" renjun raises one of his eyebrows.

"hEy what about me? do i get a say in this?"
"nope! we know you like it anyway." chenle adds an exaggerated wink.

"wait that's not fairrr!! i want minjoo on my lap too!" lucas, once again, whines out.
"shut up we been knew i'm a renjoo shipper" the younger boy sassily remarks while dramatically checking his nails.


it's been a wild game as xiao admitted to be wearing yangyangs underwear, jeno jumped down the, many flight of stairs, lucas had to balance on one foot for a round, renjun revealed that be only lets minjoo do certain things no one else would be able to do, jisung and jaemin switched couples for 30 minutes, we even got mark to play a round, and finally it was my turn to get asked.

"joo, truth or dare?" jisung asked.
"uhm... dar-"

before i could even fully answer, i heard a sting of overlapping responses.

"lick the-"
"no kiss-"
"i want her to-"
"nooo i wanna dare her!"

it was so chaotic...

"TRUTH! i pick truth."
"ugh boringg. fine uhh"
"who's your favorite and least favorite in nct?"

they all looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"uh... my least favorite might be... hyuck- ONLY because he hasn't said anything to me about his personal life which i respect but i just  don't know him as well as the others. my favorite would be... renjun guys i'm sorry but like he's babie!"

i hear a bunch of groans and complains from the boys hoping it'd be them and a yell of happiness from jun


little did they know, mark had asked me to go check on them before i went to sleep. i was at the door when jisung asked the same question i wanted to know.

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now