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i gathered my shit together and walked over to the shooting range with wayv.

"jesus minjoo you're ballsy."
"i had to! how else would i have gotten out?"
"yukhEi wong!"
"whAt?! am i wrong??"

i roll my eyes and open the door to the basement. running down the stairs, i'm met with a moving target. i whip out my (jenos) gun, knowing it was part of my test. i shoot and barely miss the dummy's heart. fuck. it's okay keep going.

i wrap my both hands around the gun for better control and stability. i shoot at the three dummies coming towards me and shoot almost blindly and surprisingly make every shot.

"okay... so shooting isn't your best skill, but you still passed!"
"yeah stray kids never really let me out on missions..."
"that was hot you should do it often" lucas winks at me.


i walk over to the main tech room and see doyoung setting up the computers for my test when an alarm goes off. thinking it was just another part of the test i brush it off. but i began to panic once i saw the shock on the members faces along with a franic looking taeyong.


i watch as the members scramble around the base when i saw a bomb thrown into our open window from the security camers. i used my technology knowledge, as the rest went to do other things, and i immediately go to fix our security and found the bugs in our system. i tracked down the location and found... jyps headquarters? what do they want now!?

i reinforced the safety locks right as i feel the bomb go off and gunshots fired in our main room. i turn the ear pieces on hoping that at least some of the members had it in. please please pick up i think as all of the sounds and yelling from downstairs die down.

"h-hello?" i hear a weak voice speak and i recognize it as sicheng.
"n-no i don't know! i- i- the guys are either passed out or not in my line of vision- minjoo wh-what do i do!" i listen as his voice starts to shake.

"don't worry i'll be down in a second sicheng. can you stay with the passed out boys and help them to the infirmary while i try to get to the other boys?"
"y-yeah okay. i'm by the kitchen door. i have jisung, ten, and johnny with me..."

i run downstairs and head into the main living room to see hyuck, mark, and kun passed out with a barely conscious renjun, chenle, and xiaojun, who was under a table. i run towards the awake boys to make sure they don't fall asleep on me. once i make sure they're somewhat okay, i head to the knocked out boys and one by one bring them to the infirmary on the first floor.

after i cleared the living room, i walk into the kitchen, to see the rest of the members okay and unharmed, pointing their guns at me.

"thank GOD"
"we thought you weren't safe-"
"i need taeil. now."

i grad the oldest boys arm and drag him with me to the room with the injured boys.

"what the- okay grab your gloves we need to check for any open wounds! now minjoo."

i grab the gloves and walk over to the younger boys. i see that hyucks shirt was sliced at the side and i rip his shirt off. only to find a cut and a forming bruise on the pretty boys side. oh no.

after checking the other boys, we found out that the most harmed ones were jisung, donghyuck, and xiaojun. xiao had been shot, jisung had a dislocated shoulder and a sprained ankle, and donghyuck had been cut by a piece of metal at the impact of the bomb. the rest were just out cause of small impacts to the head, or too much gunpowder inhalation.

i work on xiaojun while having taeil watch the other two. with slightly shaking hands, i grab small pincers and grab the bullet stuck inside of the chinese boys abdomen after putting him on anesthetic. i try my best not to touch anything and grab the rest of the fragments. i quickly, but carefully, sew his wound back up and ice it, letting the boy rest.

i tend to jisungs shoulder and got taeil to pop it back in place as the younger boy groaned in pain. i throw the kid some ice for his ankle while running to the bed where donghyuck layed. ah shit. the blood was starting again as i quickly give the poor shirtless boy anesthetic. i clean up the blood with alcohol and stitch him up while icing the swollen area.


whew. i just did that- no way.

i walk out the door and watch as the boys jump up from their seats. i take the blood soaked gloves and my shirt off as it was white and also covered in crimson. nobody seems to mind it because when i told them the boys were gonna be okay, they ran into the room.


"woah wait a minute why is my shirt off??"
"that's all!? i just saved your life but okay."
"oh right i forgot about that." the boy winces as he accidentally brushes his blanket on the wound.
"eH why is YOUR shirt off?!"
"oh yeah hahaha so the thing is, your uh your blood was on it."

"i would like to make an announcement everybody" we all turn to taeyong in the cramped room and wait for him to continue.
"minjoo is now officially a member of nct. congratulations" everyone smiles and starts to clap even donghyuck to my surprise.

"what?? i didn't even finish my testing?"
"you showed us your skill by saving the lives of two of our members today."
"i- thank you. i promise i won't disappoint!"
"you can pick where you get your tattoo tomorrow."

a/n- we be updating 7399172 word chapters o whatever

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu