Chapter 25: You Don't Know

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"Gulf, I've been looking for you..."

It was a very familiar voice. Gulf was startled as he turned his back to find Tul was leaning his body against the big pillar near the stairs that connect the hallway and the reception desk area.

"T-, Tul?"

Tul smiled as he walked towards him and give him a hug.

"How are you?"

Gulf smiled as he patted Tul's back, "I'm fine... as you can see, healthy as a horse."

Tul nodded slightly. Gulf paid attention that Tul looked really tired and exhausted.

"Are you okay?"

Tul wiped his face, "Just a bit tired and headache. But it's okay, maybe it was because I just landed after a tiring 18 hours flight today."

"Why don't you just go home and rest? Instead, you're coming here?"

Tul smiled slightly, "Because I just wanted to see you..."

Gulf sighed. "Have you eaten dinner? Did you take your meds already?"

Tul shook his head, "Not yet to both."

Gulf grumbled in annoyance, "Can you at least pay attention a bit to your own health?"

"Sorry...", Tul looked down.

Gulf regretted his action as he quickly patted his shoulder, "It's already late. You can just rest in my room for now. I can order some food delivery for you so that you could eat and take your meds."

"Is it okay with you?"

Gulf smiled, "Of course."

Gulf led Tul to his room which located on the edge of the hallway, not really far from Mew's, Tay's, and Newwie's room. He opened the door and led Tul to walked inside.

"Come on in..."

Tul walked inside and laughed.

"Khun Anucha knows how to pamper her stars I guess..."

Gulf laughed, "She's a great person. I admire her..."

"Yeah... I knew her since our high school period and she never changed..."

"You should take a warm bath and wear something comfy. I will order something for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Anything will do..."

"You loved anything healthy right? Would rice and mixed vegetables be okay? Or you prefer a salad?"

"Maybe rice and mixed vegetables would be great..."

"Alright then..."

Tul was standing in front of the bathroom door, thinking about something. Gulf squinted as he looked at him.

~* Be With You *~ [MewGulf] & [TayNew]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora