Chapter 8

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February 21st, 2020.

Happy 29th Birthday, Mew Suppasit!

I hope you have a blast birthday today and remember, we are all here to support you!

Be happy and don't forget to rest!


~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

"Good morning!", Gulf smiled as he walked inside the locker room. Newwie was already there, tidying up his locker.

"Here it comes the superstar...", Newwie teased Gulf.

Gulf looking at his direction in confusion, "Huh?"

"Oh, come on. Your face was everywhere. They took your picture and posted it on every social media I know, just name it, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Name it!"

"How come?", Gulf rolled his eyes, "I covered myself already."

"Dude, the picture was clear bright. You seemed to forget the front window was so damn visible!"

"Fuck! Now I remember. Mew told the same thing. I forgot about it. That's why he covered me with his jacket. But it was too late I guess..."

"Were you guys seriously dating?"

Gulf nodded, "Yeah, we decided to give it a try."

"But he didn't admit it on the media. Why is that?"

Gulf chuckled, "Because that's how the entertainment industry works, Newwie."

"Cliche. Why he always used the same reason over and over again. Weren't you worried? I'm worried about you, Gulf."

Gulf smiled, "Don't worry, Newwie. I'll be okay. Besides, we just give this relationship a try. We don't know what will happen in the future. If we were meant to be, then we were meant to be. If not, then...", Gulf sighed, "it's not..."

"Urgh! I can't stand you...", Newwie snorted as he walked away.

Gulf chuckled as he shook his head. Newwie will be Newwie. He will be his best buddy who cares so much about him in his own way.

~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~


Tay called him as he stepped inside his room. He found Mew was still sleeping on his bed. His room was really messy and smelled like Vodka. "Oh, God...", Tay shook his head desperately, "Mew, wake up!", he tried hard to wake Mew up, "Mew Suppasit!"

Mew blinked a couple of times before he finally opened his eyes. His head was killing him.

"Wake up!", Tay demanded.

"Uh... I feel dizzy! My head is killing me!", Mew muttered.

Tay sighed as he put threw away the empty vodka bottle on the dust bin near the minibar. Tay was not at all surprised that Mew hurt his head. How could he not, he finished a bottle of vodka alone last night!

"Take a bath and quickly get your coffee as usual. You will have CD signing and meet and greet this morning. Be quick!"

"I don't think I'll go to the coffee shop today", Mew massaged his temple softly, "My head is killing me..."

"You finished a bottle of vodka on your own. I would be surprised if you are okay!", Tay snorted, "Now wake up and freshen up yourself. Are you sure you're not going to the coffee shop?"

"How many times I need to tell you no!?", Mew started to feel agitated.

"Alright! Alright. Take it easy! What's wrong with you!", Tay rolled his eyes in confusion.

~* Be With You *~ [MewGulf] & [TayNew]Where stories live. Discover now