Chapter 15: Dusk Till Dawn

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(Song credit to Zayn Malik)

Mew was sitting alone in the corner with his drink when someone walked towards him

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Mew was sitting alone in the corner with his drink when someone walked towards him. Mew tilted his head to see Tul was approaching him.

"Gin and tonic, please...", Tul ordered to the waiter and sat casually in front of Mew.

Mew drank his last drop of liquor in a gulp and saw Tul was rolling up his sleeve to make himself more comfortable. He then put the empty glass on the table and looked at Tul. Tul laid his back in a more comfortable position and smiled at Mew.

"Why did you call?"

Tul smiled, "You didn't look good, Mew. Are you okay lately?"

Mew replied his smile sarcastically, "I'm fine, and thank you for asking. But if you called me just to make sure I was okay, save it. I don't have that much time for this.", Mew was ready to go when Tul stopped him.

"Take it easy..."

Tul stopped him from leaving as he nodded politely towards the waiter who brought him his order, a glass of ice gin and tonic.

"It has been a hell of a day. Let me drink a sip and we can talk...", Tul replied shortly.

Mew said nothing and sat back in his chair. Tul took a sip of his drink and looked at Mew.

"I wanted to bring Gulf to the U.S..."

Mew did not budge, but Tul could feel the atmosphere has become colder than before. Tul smiled and put his glass back on the table.

"I will need to take care of the company there for a short time. I think this would be a great opportunity for Gulf to learn something..."

"Why did you tell me this?"

"I don't know... I just think that you need to know about this..."

"It has nothing to do with me. You may do whatever you want."

"Won't you stop me?"

Mew was quiet. He did not say anything. Tul sighed.

"Why did you do that, Mew?", Tul asked again.

Mew got up from his seat and put some money on the table, "I have to go now."

"What did I ever do wrong to you that you wanted to hurt me to that extent? Hurting Gulf in the process?", Tul asked sadly.

Mew replied coldly before he walked away, "You and your mother killed my mother, remember?"

"I thought you still have a heart and some decency... but now I think I was wrong all the time..."

"My heart died years ago, remember?", Mew smirked. He tried hard to keep his composure.

Mew turned his back and walked away. But suddenly Tul shouted to him...

~* Be With You *~ [MewGulf] & [TayNew]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt