Chapter 10

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Yo, readers!

Finally, this would be my last chapter 10 I've saved on Wattpad. Now, again, I will inform you I will be on hiatus for all of my stories until my laptop has been fixed. It will take around 1 to 2 weeks since they will need to send it back to the factory to change whatsoever inside, I don't really get what they told me. But yeah, the point is I will not be able to write anything until it has been fixed. So I will savor the time by reading any nice stories on Wattpad itself. (Yeah, I still can use my mobile to read stories, but writing... nahhh, too much hassle!). Feel free to recommend nice stories that you know in the comment section. I will give it a try.

So yeah, cheers and stay tuned. I hope they could fix my laptop as scheduled so I won't be hiatus for that long. Have a great day and I'll see you in the next chapter!



~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

Sunlight began to enter through Newwie's window, forcing Tay to blink his eyes for a couple of times before he finally opened them wide. That was when he realized he was in a foreign place, somewhere he didn't recognize. He wandered his gaze around the room dominated by white. It was neat and clean, very comfortable actually.

"Where am I?"

Tay muttered to himself and slowly crawled out of the bed. Suddenly his head felt very heavy. Dizziness began to attack his head without mercy. He only can remember vividly what had happened last night. He was drinking together with Newwie then perhaps he got drunk. The rest was history.

"Fuck!", Tay massaged his temple to ease the headache.

Not a while after, Newwie stepped inside the room with a glass of warm milk and a smile.

"Morning, sleepyhead! Are you okay?"

Tay smiled bitterly, trying to savor the pain, "What happened? Why did I end up here?"

"First, your place was too far from here, I couldn't find a taxi yesterday, so yeah, I decided to drag you by foot here. God, you look skinny but in fact, you're heavy, you know that?"

Tay chuckled, "Oh, come on!"

"Second, you were so drunk to the point that you puked yourself out. I didn't expect you can eat that much. Luckily, you didn't wet your clothes that much. At least, I can still handle it I mean. But since I couldn't stand the smell, so I helped you to change. It wasn't a branded one but-"

Tay cut him out as he looked at his naked upper body, "Okay, okay, I got it. Thanks and sorry for what happened last night. I didn't mean to bother you with all of this. But yeah, shit happened..."

"That's okay!", Newwie chuckled, "I had fun."

"I'm sure you did...", Tay snorted.

"Alright then! Enjoy your milk. I have put some bread and congee on the table outside. Finish it. If you need to take a shower, go ahead. I have put a clean towel there. Feel free to use it. I need to go to work now. I'm already late. Once you finished, you may leave the key below the mat, outside the door. Nobody will know. Okay?"

Tay nodded slightly, "Alright. Thanks, Newwie!"

Newwie winked before he took his leave, "Don't mention it!"

"Oh, right, Newwie...", Tay called him again.

Newwie turned his back, looking at Tay with a questioning look, "Yea?"

"Did I do or say anything weird last night?"


"Well, you know... errr... like what drunk people usually do..."

~* Be With You *~ [MewGulf] & [TayNew]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن