Meant For This

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My heart pounds as the decision I've made breaks me down. I didn't want this, but I know. Deep down, I'm meant for this path. I'll probably even enjoy it.

My mind is made up, but part of me feels that it's not right. Perhaps because my heart was set on somthing else, a decision I had made previously. A decision I had hope for.

Now, I keep myself occupied as I wait for the inevitable conversation where I'm praised for my new choice, while I smile on the outside, but cringe on the inside as I again don't feel like this is fully what I want.

I have hopes, and I know the key points of their arguments.

I am meant for this.

I'm built for it.

But why do I feel so anxious? Why is it that I am so restless and shaken over a simple change in plans? I know this could work out beautifully for me, that I could do so much but in little time and gain from it.

Perhaps because I had vowed this was not my path, but here I am choosing it. Or perhaps my guilt consumed me, but what can I say? They're right.

I'm meant for this....

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