The Wolf in the Trap

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A lone wolf who had traversed the forest herself for many years had finally meandered into a bear trap. The cold metal jaws had clamped tightly around her hind leg, sinking it's deathly sharp fangs into her flesh, snapping the bone in two. She howled in pain and tried to set herself free, but the titanium trap would not budge for her so she had no choice but to lay there. She was sure she was going to die to her own carelessness.

A lone hunter had trekked through the forest, having not found a single animal to hunt before she noticed a large, brown heap laying on the ground. She approached cautiously and to her surprise, was greeted with a wolf trapped in a steel bear trap. She felt her heart clench at the sight of the wolf, so she decided to help her by setting her free. But, as soon as she approached the wolf, the injured animal lunged at her in fear, baring her razor sharp fangs.

The wolf was trembling and snarling, deathly afraid that she was to meet her end to the hunter. She knew there was not much she could do, it would happen eventually, and yet she still found herself fighting back. At least if she was going down, she'd go out with honor.

And so for many days and nights, the hunter camped nearby and tried to set her free. She'd throw meat to the wolf, which the beast devoured quickly, and she'd use a long stick to push a bowl of water to her. This was their routine for a while. But, the wolf was losing blood day by day. She wouldn't have very long left to live if the hunter did not free her. So, she took a chance again, this time with a plan.

The wolf had been laying there, breathing shallowly as she was losing her life slowly. The hunter's odd kindness had meant a great deal to her, though she couldn't understand it, and now she was slipping away. She realized the hunter had wanted to set her free, but her instincts told her to be guarded and don't let her too close, otherwise she'd be killed. It was a vicious cycle, but the wolf could not fight this feeling.

The hunter had approached her again, saying soothing words and holding out meat with her hand. The wolf was very cautious of this, though when she lifted her head she was hit with a wave of dizziness. The hunter noticed the wolf's disoriented nature and acted fast. In a flash she threw her own coat over the creature's head and used her body to pin her. The wolf howled in alarm and thrashed about, desperate to escape what she was for certain was the end. Surely it was the end this time, surely the hunter was going to betray her and claim her easy kill!

She didn't even feel the jaws of the trap get pushed apart as her leg had gone completely numb. All she knew was one minute she was engulfed in the darkness of a giant fabric, the next she had thrashed away and was much farther from the hunter than she remembered being. The wolf looked down and noticed the bear trap had been pried off of her, and she was now free. The hunter did not kill her after all.

The wolf stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. The hunter lay on the ground, clapping and cheering at the wolf to run away, that she was free. The animal couldn't help but feel her chest swell with a warm feeling before she tossed her head to the sky and let out a long, thankful howl, before turning and retreating. She did however pause and cast a grateful look back to the hunter.

The wolf's mind was completely changed about hunters. They could be kind, they could care, and she would forever appreciate the help and kindness the hunter had offered her.

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