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She stared into his emerald orbs, enraptured by the way they seemed to glow in the moonlight. The crickets chirped and the fireflies danced around them. She felt her heart pounding as she waited for his response.

His dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes, and she wanted to reach out and brush it away. The lump in her throat refused to go down until she jumped as he nodded his head. He looked up to her, acceptance and then excitement in his eyes; for this she was briefly relieved.

"Your immortal, huh? That must be so cool! You get to watch the world change, and you never have to die."

"Death would be a relief."

"What?... Why?..

"Because then I wouldn't have to lose you again and again."

He studied her eyes; she watched him just as intensely back. This was not the first time she had done this, and it wouldn't be the last. He tried to ask what she meant, but she answered before he could even formulate his sentence.

"Would you love someone if it meant you had to watch them die, and then wait for them to return to you in a different form?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Answer me."

"I suppose... If we were soulmates; meant to be, ya know?"

She nodded her head, accepting his answer. The moon above them illuminated the entire hillside, the stars playing constant companion to the giant sphere in the sky. Her brown hair billowed in the gentle breeze, and she let out a sad sigh before rising to her feet. Her lover rose to stand with her, and she reached out and grabbed his hand, making him look at her.

"I'll keep losing you again and again, but I'll love every form you take."

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