She sat up in the dark, her dull eyes devoid of any color in the absence of light. Her surroundings were as empty as she felt. Her phone was silent, and on one hand that was good... but on the other it was not..

She was deeply, truly, madly alone. There would be no voice to comfort her, no joke to make her laugh, no endless conversation to fill her heart with delight. There would be nothing. It was a feeling that persisted often, but this time she felt the weight of her loneliness.

She felt the heaviness in the air as her mind swirled with endless dark thoughts just as inky black as her room. She felt the sinking feeling on her stomach as the absence of another being weighed on her heart. She felt the cold embrace of loneliness.

She also felt guilty and selfish. She felt like toxic waste. She felt like a parasite.

She feels alone and in dire need of another sound apart from the ac unit, people on her phone who don't know she exists, and her own heartbeat. But she will stitch her mouth shut with metal wires and lay in the dark until the pain becomes her friend. Then it will never leave, and it'll be a bittersweet comfort to her.

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