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My dearest Pastel,

At the time you are receiving this letter, I will have exited your mind for the rest of the evening so that I may contend with the daily bore and chore that my life carries unto me, but my mind and heart are forever haunted by your eyes.

Since I can't give to you my physical presence and speak to you the ideals of a man who's entire headspace is throbbing with the voices of those before him, let me grace you with my last idea as the purple hues of dusk paint the sky.

I have watched time and again the anguish from which I caused sweep across your peachy face, and your cheeks dusted with the lightest of pinks as the harsh reality of our time sets in, and I can't help but wonder how I shall face you when the pain of what I feel when you frown burns me and knocks me to the ground. How could I embrace you when I am too much of a fool to stand proudly before you?

In the many many years, when it is time that I shall terminate my earthly career and enter the realm of immortality, my hope is that I will have stood in your presence at least once, for you are the light that my dark world so desperately hungered for, and I am your moon to bring light upon your nightly landscape. To let my lips dance across yours is but a sweet dream that I chase as I slumber.

As I finish this letter, I wish to finish it off with but one last declaration of idealism and romanticism, so that I can bring a smile to your face and shine to your eyes.

My dear, what will you think of when you hear my voice cry for you amongst the crowd? Will you answer it? Will you follow the trail of petals that I lay so that your delicate feet may never know the impurities of the tainted earth beneath them? My hope is that you and I will lock eyes, and suddenly all the pieces of this complex puzzle with fall into place so that I may stand before you the man you have so adored for the years you have known me. But, I have but one request of you.

You may not understand this question, but I will ask it so that when you finally do, your answer will be what I need. Will you for the years we are apart stay protected and guarded? Will you blush for another so that you may blush for me in the latter years, for when we finally meet and I can whisk you away from the clouds and uncertainties that the world may try to collapse us with?

Tis but many a thought that swarm my restless head as I sleep and dream of your voice.

For now I must bid you adieu.

Forever yours,

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