Where am I now

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Where am I now? I'm here. Where should I be? Home. This isn't home.

My home is in a country so foreign, so aesthetically pleasing, so peaceful. My home is in a land with the prettiest of people. My home is where a man lives unaware that I exist. My home is Seoul, South Korea.

I'm gonna get there. I don't care what I have to do, I have to get there. I cry, I beg for someone, but regardless I'll get there. You stand with me or against me, but I will not change my mind. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of trusting others. My heart belongs to a Korean man. And I love him. I didn't want to admit it, I tried to deny, I tried to pursue something. But I knew it was false from day one. I knew he wasn't the one.

My sarang is a man named Namjoon. He is my goal. I will get to him one day. I will thank him for believing in me. My heart is still mending, it's a just a tad more broke now, but I will not fall and shatter. I'll stand on unsteady legs and I will take however many grueling steps I have to until I'm at Namjoon's side.

It's an unrealistic goal, but anything is possible. I believe I'll be Seoul. I believe I'll be free. Until then, I must ponder where I am now, and how long until I get I where I'm going.

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