Bygones be bygones

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The possibility of Queen Angella's return was enough to send Adora to the nearest rolly chair to spin around a dangerous amount of times.
"Entrapta... this, it changes everything! Not just the fate of Etheria but everything we thought we knew about inter-dimensional travel."
"This could change every day transportation methods. Portals could become a common method of travel in just a few years," Hordak said from the console. Dizzy and even more confused, Adora stopped the spinning and stumbled over to the console Entrapta was admiring.
"This," Entrapta explained, pointing to a red spot on the screen, "is Angella. We can pick up her signal because she is maintaining a warm body temperature and the energy from her powers stands out against the plain terrain." Entrapta popped a tiny cupcake in her mouth and then offered on to Hordak. He smiled and took one as Entrapta passed them back to Adora. "So how do we reach her exactly?" Adora asked through her chewing.
"We build a portal!!" Entrapta said with gusto.
"Oh, another portal..." Adora said sheepishly.
"Worry not Adora, for I have constructed one before."
"I know Hordak, that's the reason we need this new operation in the first place." Hordak frowned and Entrapta gave Adora a disappointing look. "Sorry, I know bygones are bygones. So, how do we build a portal?"

Catra walked on the wall lining one of Brightmoon's gardens. She placed one foot in front of the other and when she was confident she increased her speed. At the end of the wall she sprung off, and after a moment of triumph where she cheered for herself she noticed Scorpia standing off to side, smiling and holding her claws together nervously.
"Scorpia!" Catra cried and ran to her friend. "We missed you last night!"
"You did? Oh well you know I had to get stuff done for the old lover... er you know what I mean." Scorpia rubbed the back of her neck, insinuating that she was indeed nervous.
"Scorpia what's wrong?" Catra asked.
"Well it's just... ive been meaning to talk to you. About our time in the horde."
"Oh." Catra gestured for Scorpia to follow her and they took a seat on the steps that overlooked the gardens of Brightmoon.
"Scorpia can I just start by saying how truly sorry I am. You were such a good friend to me, you and Entrapta, and I pushed you away. I bullied you and I was outright mean. I was concealing my feelings and I took the pressure out on you and I'm sorry." Scorpia smiled and placed on of her scorpion claws around Catra.
"I'm really glad to hear you say that, because for the longest time I though I was the problem."
"No you never were."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah go ahead."
"Did you ever care for me like you did Adora? It didn't seem to matter if I was the better friends you always preferred her. Even though she left you."
"I think that I was scared. I didn't want to make another friend only for them to walk out on me again, believe it or not it's easier to be the one doing the hurting then to be the one getting hurt. "
"Thanks Catra."
"Yeah no problem." Before Scorpia could leave Catra grabbed her claw. "I'm ready to be friends now," Catra said, "if you'll let me." Scorpia pulled Catra into a hug that Catra had to fight her way out of. When she broke free they laughed and began to stroll around the gardens. "So," Catra asked, "you and Perfuma are 'lovers'?"
"What? No that slipped I meant to say.."
"No I meant to say significant friend who I also kiss every now and then."
"Oh my god you are! Scorpia you can tell me!"
"Alright fine we are, but we're keeping it on the down low for now."
"Alright my lips are sealed." Catra made the gesture demonstrating her lips were zipped and Scorpia laughed. They continued to walk the gardens, taking new paths and old ones, just so they could talk longer. Catra told Scorpia about Adora's embarrassing story and she even opened up about her first time with Adora. Scorpia told her about how Perfuma first came out as trans and what the status of their relationship entailed. The sun was almost setting before the disparaged and went their separate ways. After all Catra still had to meet Adora for a rendezvous.

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