A pee after holding it all day

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The past few hours had been exhausting. Every civilian and castleworker had some take on the situation, and thanks to Glimmer and Micah's open door policy, every single one got to explain why they should kill or banish Adora's girlfriend.

She tapped her fingers on the desk, agitated as a farmer went on about the dangers his crops faced.

Nobody asked for, or wanted a fire princess.

"Their powers are supposed to help"

"We need healers not fighters!"

"How can we trust she won't use it against us!"

On and on it went.

And Adora had had enough.

"Stop!" She said firmly, standing up.

"Adora we  cant-" Glimmer started.

"No! I'm tired of it. Not a single person in this crowd has spoke to her favour. Granted I'm willing to forgive that. She's hurt many of you, you're allowed to be angry. But banishment and murder are not solutions. It just makes people bitter and revengeful. Catra has nearly killed herself time and time again rescuing us from those caves. Without her, Horde Prime would've massacred us all.

She deserves a chance. A chance prove herself as a Princess, a chance to prove to you she's a hero.

And if she fails, then we'll go. And you'll never have to see or hear from us again"

She was firm in her use of "us" instead of "her".

Catra needed her now more than ever. Leaving her to fend for herself would be a disaster.

She should've been a princess with them this entire time. It wasn't fair.

The crowd was silent, and Adora looked for anyone who may stand with her.

"I agree with Adora," Scorpia said, "Catra deserves a chance. She should at least be able to train her abilities a bit."

"I agree too," Perfuma said, "everyone has to start somewhere."

"US too!" Netossa and Spinnerella said.

"And me," Glimmer said, looking Adora's way. Adora smiled and nodded, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"That just leaves you," Micah said to the citizens.

Murmurs broke out among the crowd, and they let them deliberate before a spokesperson was sent up.

"We agree to these terms. However we ask that the fire princess test her abilities outside the confines of Brightmoon."

"Thats reasonable," Glimmer said, "it's settled. Catra will stay, and train with us to learn her power."

A wave of relief washed over Adora.

"Hey, we got your back," Scorpia said, "always. You gave me a chance once, I'm extending that to Catra." Adora hugged her,

"Thank you." She whispered.

Catra paced the room. She managed to get a couple sparks of flame from her fingers, but she hadn't quite gotten it down yet.

She was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Its all good!" Scorpia shouted, "you can stay!"

Catra smiled, running to hug her. She saw Adora standing behind her, politely waiting her turn.

"Thank you," Catra said, kissing Adora on the cheek.

"Not yet, we still have a lot to do."

"We have to test your power," Scorpia said, "Adora and I agreed to train you, but we have to do it outside of brightmoon."

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