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I slowly walk up the street to my house. As I make my way up the small hill, I get a strange sense of foreboding. I amp up my speed, at first to jogging, then to running. As I reach the top of the hill, I abruptly stop in horror. For what I see in front of me is the stuff of nightmares.

My house in ruins.


I quickly ran up the stairs, slipping Riptide out of my pocket as I go, and do a quick survey of what is left of my house. As I run inside, I can feel the dread washing over me, like the crest of a wave crashing upon the beach. I run through the whole house, or what there was left of it anyway, but came up empty-handed.

Sally and Paul...

They were just...


A/N: Well that's it for the first chapter of this book... I know no one is going to read this but I'm still super excited! This is my first fanfic ever so please, no hate. But of you find something wrong with my spelling or grammar please feel free to let me know in the kindest way possible! Don't hesitate to let me know what you think so far!

-M :)

{Hello, Future M here! I was just rereading this and realized how cringey these first few chapters are, and I just wanted to apologize to all the poor souls who have to endure it. I swear it gets better.}

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