
The drive to school is awkward. Both of the twins refused to sit upfront, so Saffron gets the spot. Before I can even park my car in the parking lot, the twins bolt from the car.

"What was that about?" Saffron asks.

Thinking back to this morning, I cringe. "Teenagers are weird."

"Absolutely." She nods.

Listening to music, I notice my coffee cup leave it's rightful spot in my cup holder. "Watch it, Squirt." I tug on her hair. "The last thing you need is caffeine."

"I'm tired." She forces a yawn. "I might go to sleep in class and it would be your fault."

Fighting a smile, I let her have some. "You drive a hard bargain."

"So I've been told." She says, handing my now dangerously light cup back.

"All right, off to class." I turn the car off and get out.

"Wait." She follows after me, almost tripping over her own two feet. "I want a picture."


"Because we match." She points to our pink hoodies and black jeans.

Leave it to me to oversleep and end up twinning with a 9 year old. Grabbing my phone, I set it on the hood of my car. "One picture."

"Cheese." She smiles, wrapping her arms around me.

"There, now get to class." I grab my phone.

"You better post it!" She shouts, running off.

Shaking my head, I take my usual path through the hall and stop at my usual locker. "Morning, Beautiful."

"Morning." She smiles as I peck her cheek. Someone's in a good mood.

"I bring a glazed doughnut and all my affection." I smirk, offering the bag.

"Thank you." She puts the food in her backpack and I raise a brow.

"Hold up, you aren't going to eat your favorite doughnut?" That's insane. I've seen her talk down a half a dozen of these things.

"Mel fed me before school."

"Mel as in my Aunt Mel?" I clarify and she nods. "What were you doing there?"

She messes around with her locker, avoiding eye contact. "I, um, I slept there."

"Why?" I almost drop my coffee.

"Zoe was in a mood and people were over. Some nights it's better to stay someplace else and I figured they could use a night of help." She explains. "I've stayed with her from time to time for a year or so."

"Oh. I didn't know that." I admit. How many times would I have met Chloe if I just paid attention? "You know you're always welcome to stay at my place."

"I know." She grabs my hand. "But you went to sleep early. I didn't want to bother you."

"It's not a bother." I rush out. "I always want you there."

"I know, but it's not your fault Zoe sucks." She squeezes my hand. "How did you sleep?"

"Like shit." I snort, not really wanting to get into my dream. It rubbed me the wrong way. "I'm jealous you got to see my kiddos."

"Well, Pumpkin says she misses you." She offers, taking a sip of my coffee. "I think she's wants to replace me."

That's enough to earn a smile out of me. I love my little devil.

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