1 ~ Enough

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Just landed

Jumping up from my desk, I let out a shout. Thank God.

"Mister Rhodes, is there a problem?"

Freezing, I remember that I'm currently in AP Literature. My entire class gawks at me and I can't blame them. A 6'7" freak jumping to his feet tends to be a head turner.

"No Mel– I mean, Ms. Miller. Just got a little excited." I apologize to my uncle's fiancé as I awkwardly try to fold my large body back into the desk.

Whoever designed these stupid things didn't take big people into consideration.

My teacher just smirks, knowing the exact reason I'm causing such a scene.

I can't wait to see you, babe.

My mind races with the anticipation of seeing my girlfriend again for the first time in over a month. She's in New York with Stella, one of our best friends, attending the School of Visual Arts. After spending almost every day with them and my older sister, Scarlett, since kindergarten, senior year's been rough.

I knew college was going to be hard but there's 913 miles between us.

913 miles is a lot when I've basically been connected to my girlfriend's hip since kindergarten. One day she walked into my life, well... technically I ran into hers, and I haven't been the same since.

12 years with Ella and these last 4 weeks have been torture. The summer was hard, I spent a month training at a camp in Florida for the best baseball players in the country. It was life changing, but it still didn't prepare me for how hard permanent separation would be.

Glancing at the time, I try to focus on the lecture.

Four hours till I get to see her.

Four hours till I'm complete again.


"Rhodes, you ready for tonight?" Zayne Collins calls out as he changes for the game.

"You mean, am I ready to run my ass off making everyone else look good?" I taunt. "I do it every Friday night."

They all laugh, muttering about what a prick I am.

"What has you in such a good mood?" Will Myers asks, evaluating the giddy grin I've been wearing all day.

"His girlfriend's home." Sterling says, my twin freshmen brothers round the corner to taunt me.

"Which means he wants to win on the field so he can score after." Silver finishes, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as the locker room goes crazy.

And to think we came from the same people.

I would've at least saved that comment for when the camera was on.

Most of the time I'm happy we're now in high school together. It gives me someone to hang around with whenever I get the chance and it gives me a year with them before I leave. I never understood how lucky I was to have Scarlett almost constantly with me until she was gone. The twins and I deserve to have that experience.

Even if the smug little shits live for embarrassing the hell out of me.

"That's right, boys, so do try to make me look extra good tonight." I wink, shoving them both aside as I head for the exit.

An hour into game prep, I'm helping Coach when a blonde head catches my attention. Knowing that hair from anywhere, I forget about Coach. In a trance I walk towards her, holding her gaze as I hop the fence.

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