zionkuwonu | perfect post

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zionkuwonu | perfect post

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i'm so happy i have zion in my life right now, not only because he makes me happy but also because he gives dante the fatherly love he didn't get from james for however many months and i couldn't be happier.

when zion got downstairs and put on his shoes we headed out the door with simba too and hopped into his car before we made our way to wherever zion was taking us for breakfast, after around ten minutes we arrived at a cute cafe with tables and seats outside so simba can be with us.

zion, dante and simba stayed outside while i went inside to get food and drinks for us, the boys wanted waffles so i got them and myself waffles along with coffee for zion and i before i headed back to the boys.

we enjoyed a cute breakfast and even got dog treats for simba then while dante finished off this waffles i decided to text camila, hopefully she's free today so we can have a fun day.

cami 🥑


oh hi, what's up?

zion is taking dante and i along with friends
to the beach, u and victor wanna come along?

ooooo yesss ive not been to the beach
in so long plus vic and i are bored out of
our minds

ok meet us at this beach in a few mins

(*** ********** *****)

oki see ya then


"cami and victor will meet us at the beach then i'll ask her to babysit or take dante for the night."

"okay nick just texted me and they're all on the way to the beach already."

"this is gonna be so fun."

"oh and austin's wife and kid will be there."

"he has a wife and kid?"

"yeah unlike the others and i."

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